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Chapter four: Notes

"Random question but have you ever had a boyfriend?"


"Hey F-Finn." I said tapping his shoulder, which made him jump a little. "Oh hey Millie." He replied. "So today we are gonna tell the pack you are joining, are you 100% sure on this?" He asked. "Positive." I said while nodding my head. "Awesome let's go find them." He said and started walking off and I followed. "Finn?" I asked. "Yup." Finn said goofily. "Did you w-wait for me?" Finn nodded, I smiled to myself. I saw Finn smirk out of the corner of my eye, but I just brushed it off.

As Finn and I were walking, people stared at us or immediately backed away, it was weird because I'm normally invisible but with Finn I'm not, or maybe they just saw Finn do they backed away. He does have a reputation.

In the distance I saw bright red hair, like flames. I immediately knew it was Sadie, then I saw a shorter boy with light brown hair, I soon realized it was Noah. "Hey guys!" Finn said "hey finnlard!" Gaten, Noah, Sadie, Caleb, and Sophia said at the same time. "Jinx!" Gaten shouted.

Everyone rolled their eyes but I chuckled. "I've got good news." Finn said looking at them. "Millie's joining the Wolfpack." He said pointing at me. "Yay!" Sadie squealed. "Welcome Millie." Caleb said. "I think you will enjoy your time with us." Sophia added on smiling. I nodded looking at them. I'm still shy around them.

"Shit Millie we didn't finish our project!" I whisper yelled to Millie. "It's okay I got it covered." She said handing me note cards from her locker. "Wait you two are doing a project?" Gaten asked. Finn and I nodded. "Yeah, Finn and I worked on it yesterday but we never got to finish we-" I cut Millie off. "We ran out of time." I said, making sure they don't find out. They gave us suspicious looks and Millie looked at me confused.

"Anyway so I finished last night after I went home, so now we won't get an F." Millie said smiling. They nodded snapping me out of my daze. "Well we better head off cause our class is all the way at the other side of the school." I said. Millie and I started walking away.

"So why did you cut me off?" I asked curiously. "I didn't really want them to know about the dancing and listening to music part.." Finn said. I decided not to question it so I nodded. "Thanks a lot by the way, for the notes." Finn smiled. "Yeah no problem, but this won't happen often though, I'm normally used for notes and answers cause I guess I'm really smart." I laughed. "Got it, but really.. thanks." He smirked, I looked down smiling.

"Random question but have you ever had a boyfriend?" Finn asked me, I started blushing. "Have you seen me? I'm a nobody." I said regretting it. "sorry that was rude. No I have never had a boyfriend." I said playing with my sleeves. "For example, you didn't even know I existed till two days ago." I laughed a little. "Not true." Finn said. "Yeah right." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Okay fine I didn't know about you but I'm glad I do now." He smirked.

"Thanks, but have you had a girlfriend?" I asked, he nodded. "But I don't have one at the moment. I'm waiting for the perfect someone.. wait why am I telling you this." He chuckled. "I don't know but it's fine you can talk to me whenever. I don't tell secrets." I said, thinking about how I have a huge secret, aka my dad.

"Good to know." He smiled at me. We came closer and closer to our classroom. I actually didn't want this moment to end surprisingly.


"Hello everyone." Miss Ryder said. "So as you know your projects were due today, and we will be presenting them in just a few moments." She added on. My body tensed when she said that, me up in front of the class, not gonna work.

I guess Finn noticed, "hey are you okay?" He whispered as everyone turned in their homework. "Y-yeah I-I think." I said with a forced smile. "I-I just have stage fright." I said looking into his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll try to do most of the talking for you." Finn smiled slightly. I lightly nodded. "Okay how about Miss Brown and Mr Wolfhard come up to the front to present." Miss Ryder said. We both nodded and walked to the front. "So F-Finn a-and I wo-." I froze. "What a freak." I heard a boy whisper. "Hey Millie you okay?" Finn asked. All I did was bolt out of the classroom.

I ran as fast as I could crying down the hallway. As I slowed down I bumped into Noah. "Sorry Noah." I said sniffling. "O my gosh what happened Millie?" Noah asked concerned. "W-well Finn and I were presenting our project, I kept stuttering, I heard a kid call me a freak so I just ran. And I heard Finn yell at someone." I said fast.

"It's okay Millster..wait can I call you that?" Noah asked. I nodded lightly laughing. "Well Millster, you're not a freak, everyone is different. You just have stage fright most people have that." Noah told me reassuringly. I nodded, soon I saw Finn coming towards us. "Millie are you okay?" Finn asked I nodded. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure Finn, Noah helped while you were busy." I smiled. "Thanks for yelling at that kid by the way." I said. Finn laughed. "No problem."

"Well I actually have to go back to class, so Finn take care of her." Noah said. "See yah guys on the flip side." Noah said pointing his fingers at us, "Wait I don't talk like this.. anyway see you at lunch." Noah turned around walking back to his class.

Finn and I both looked back at each other and chuckled. "Noah sure is something." I said shaking my head. "Yeah he definitely is." Finn added on. "So I definitely do not wanna go back in that classroom, so is there anything else we can do?." I asked. "Well I've skipped classes a bunch so we could do that? Maybe it could be one of your tests, cause your not officially in the pack you still have one week to prove yourself." Finn suggested. "Skipping class? I don't know Finn, if my grades go down my dad will kill me." I said. "Well you already are a grade ahead your not a sophomore your a junior when your supposed to be a sophomore... so maybe you can get extra credit somehow." Finn said. "Fine lets go." I said. "This is gonna be fun." Finn said enthusiastically.


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