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Chapter Three: Studying

"Well there's a lot you don't know about me."


I have to admit, earlier today at school was one of the best days I've had.

The Wolfpack Rebels are so amazing, they're carefree, and they definitely know how to have fun. I'm definitely thinking about taking up their offer. I kinda have always wanted to be like that, wait.. nevermind that's a lie, i've always wanted to be like that.

"Jae!!!" I squealed as I ran into Hall of Sound. "Millster!" Jaeden mimicked me. "I had the best day!" I said with a slight smile on my face. "Well I would love to hear about it, so spill the beans." Jaeden laughed.

"So you know the Wolfpack? Well they want me to become one of them! I hung out with them in art and lunch they are amazing!" I laughed recalling the memories I made today.

"That's awesome but be careful, they are Rebels aka reckless kids who get into trouble a lot. I don't want you to become like that." Jaeden said. "Also what the hell happened to your face?" He asked grabbing a Coke from the mini fridge that's in the 'employees only' section of the store.

"O-oh well it's a long story." I started playing with my ring. "Okay." He said dropping the subject. "Also would you mind if Finn comes here later to work on a science project?" I asked hoping he'll say yes. "Sure." I mentally screamed. "Thanks." I smiled.


Milliebb: Hey Finn it's Millie, I was wondering if later you wanted to come by hall of sound and work on our science project.

I texted Finn, it seemed like forever until he replied.


Finnskata: yeah sure I'll be there at 4

Milliebb: okay great! See you later.

"Jae he's coming at 4" I let him know. "Okay, would you mind closing up the shop for me? I have to go home early, I have a big test tomorrow and I need to study." Jaeden asked. I nodded. Jaeden handed me the keys to the front and back door. "Don't loose them." He said sternly but in a nice way. You definitely feel responsible when you have the keys to a store in your hands.

Hall of sound is literally my home, I don't think my house really is home. A happy family lives in a home, not a girl that each day walks into a house, a old dirty house, the outside it looks nice but on the inside, it's covered with beer bottles, trash, and cigarette buds.

My room is the cleanest, a small bed in the far corner, my tiny closet, and my old white desk, with pieces of wood chipping off. I don't really mind not having the best things but of course it would be nice.


"Hey Millie." Finn said slightly smiling. He had his backpack over his shoulder and his curly hair sticking out of his backwards baseball cap. "Hey Finn." I said looking at him.

I think Millie is a really cool girl, not a freak, not a loser either. She's weird and awkward in a good way. "Hey Millie." I said waking into Hall Of Sound. "Hey Finn." She replied looking at me.

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