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Chapter One: Bruises, cuts, scars.

"Move out of my way loser."


Millie, Millie Bobby Brown a secretive 15 year old girl, always getting bullied and pushed around either at home or at school. Since she is British people would mock her. So she learned how to talk in American accent when she first moved here in 8th grade which helped a bit

At home she talks in a British accent but anywhere else it's straight to American. She's very good at it and fools everyone, she hides her true self, she has no friends and never has, she's invisible to pretty much everyone.

And when people do notice her, it's either she's getting shoved or laughed at or being used for answers on tests. Millie's pretty much used to it by now, but it hurts still. She gets panic attacks now and then but when she started cutting herself last year it helped the pain in a way. Nobody knows about that so she always wears a hoodie or long sleeves to cover her arms.

She always had bruises, scars or cuts on herself she tries to hid it as best as she can.

At 12 years old her mom died, it got even harder for Millie. Her dad abuses her whenever he can, he blames it on her that her mother died, and he's always drunk.

She's pretty, she wears glasses, she has short hair it used to be long but her dad kept pulling it to hurt her so she cut it herself. She's definitely underweight because she never has food at home and barely enough money to buy necessities.

She rides her skateboard around town and works at a small music store. She's always had a passion for music. She sings but once again nobody knows.

She's okay with being alone, it would probably hurt more to have friends and then they leave just like everyone else in her life has.

She trusts no one.

Here's her story.

"Move out of my way loser." A guy said and shoved Millie into the metal blue lockers. Since she's so light weight it was more of flying into the lockers. People were around but nobody cared, they just kept walking like nothing happened.

Millie slowly got up and let out a shaky breath. She adjusted her glasses and grabbed her backpack before walking to lunch.

I mentally prepared myself for the worst right before walking into the cafeteria. Teens were talking and laughing, while I on the other hand was biting my nails nervously waiting in line to get some food.

"What would you like hun?" The nice lunch lady asked. "Um just a chocolate pudding please." She smiled and handed me a pudding cup and a plastic spoon. "Thanks." I said quietly. Now the biggest task of all, finding a place to sit.

Almost all of the tables were filled up but one, the one right next to the Wolfpack rebels. I try to not interact with them or anyone. But if you get on their bad side,

you're done for.

I slowly walked over to the empty table and sat down. I pulled my old ripped up backpack towards me and got out the book IT by Stephen king.

I love this book but it's freaking scary.

I guess I got so zoned into my book that I didn't hear the bell ring for 5th period. Oh come on. I threw away my empty pudding cup and walked down the hallway. Okay 5 minutes late not that bad. I thought to myself.

I finally arrived at math class, my teacher Mr. Keery is awesome so hopefully he will let this slide. I open the door and walk in. All heads turn towards me and look at me like I just murdered someone. Mr Keery nods at me letting me know just to sit down. I sighed at took my seat at the back of the classroom.

I already knew what he was teaching today. I got bored and started to draw on my hand. I looked at it once I was done, a pretty flower was now drawn on my hand. After class I went to my locker.

Once again I was shoved against a row of lockers but even harder time. I heard a couple of laughs but I push it aside and stand up. I grabbed all my stuff and walked out of the school to the music store where I work.

"Hey Jaeden." I said as I walked in the store the bells on the door jingled. "Hey Millie." He answered. Jaeden was like the manager of the store even though he's a year older than me.

Jaeden and I are friends, he's my only friend. "How was your day?" He asked as he ate a subway sandwich. "Eh interesting, how about you?" I asked. Jaeden goes to a different school. "I had a test today which sucked but I guess it was fine." He smiled and I smiled back.

Jaeden's the only person who talks, cares, and is nice to me. I guess it's nice to have someone. He definitely doesn't know about my dad and my school life. "Wants some?" Jaeden asked as he shoved a bag of lays chips in my face. I smiled and started to eat. Jaeden is really cool he treats me as if I'm a person, he actually makes me genuinely laugh and smile, he's like a big brother, a brother I never had.

"I'll be back I have to go wash my hands." He said, I nodded and wiped my hands on a napkin. I heard the door open, I said the line we are supposed to say when someone walks in.

"Hey welcome to Hall Of Sound." I said in an American accent. I looked up after and saw a boy with curly dark brown hair, freckles, and crazy sharp cheekbones he was cute. He wore black ripped jeans a white shirt with a jean jacket over it. I recognized him instantly. He's a rebel at my school.

"H-Hey need help w-with anything?" I started stuttering. "Nope." He shook his head. Quickly he grabbed a record of Death Of A Bachelor by panic at the disco. He started walking towards me. He placed the vinyl on the counter. "Just this?" I asked. "Yup I'm getting it for a friend." He stated. "Okay um 25 dollars please." I said quickly. He handed me the cash. "Thanks." He said. I slightly nodded. "Oh and tell Jaeden I say hi." He told me and walked out the door.

"Hey Jaeden! Some guy came in here and told me to say hi to you for him." I yelled to the back. "Oh okay that was probably Finn, he comes here a lot and he's a family friend." I just started working here so I haven't seen him before except for at school.

"Jae does it really take that long to wash your hands?" I asked annoyed. "No, I just got distracted." Jaeden said.

A few hours later I looked at the clock. "6:50! Shoot my dads gonna kill me literally." I said the last part quietly. "Sorry Jaeden I have to go." I sighed "Bye Millie!" He shouted before I walked out. "Bye!"


End Of Innocence || FillieOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara