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Chapter Five: Skipping

"So what does Finn Wolfhard do in his free time."


I can't believe Finn actually persuaded me to skip class. Well it's not that to hard to believe, he's nice, he's cute, and very persuasive.. hang on a second did I just say cute?
No no no, he's not, he's not.

He's Not.

"So where are we going?" I asked Finn walking on the sidewalk. "Maybe your house?" Finn asked shrugging his shoulders. Without hesitation I replied no. "Okay but why?" He asked, my breathing hitched. "Oh well.. it's a long story but how about we um.. can we go to your house?" I asked hoping his parents weren't home. "Yeah I guess. My parents aren't home and they won't care if you come over, cause they won't know." He chuckled after putting his finger to his lips pretending to shush me. "Okay." I smiled.

I wish I had a family like that.

We continued walking and talking until we ended up at Finn's house it's surprisingly close to my house just a couple turns in the neighborhood away from mine. It's a decent sized house. "Well this is it." He stopped walking, gesturing his hand to the house. "It's lovely." I smiled. We both walk up the driveway walking into the house.

"So what does Finn Wolfhard do in his free time." I smiled looking at him. "Well I play my guitar." He looks up at me. "Oh right! I forgot you play guitar! You told me yesterday." I said excitedly. "I wanna see." I pleaded. "Okay maybe later, let's just go to my room." He smiled and started walking up the stairs. "I like your house." I said before walking into his room. "And your room." I let out a small laughed. "Thanks, feel free to stop by anytime." He said lightly blushing and I nodded with a small grin.

Finn's room is like any normal teenage boys room, dark blue walls, band posters, a skateboard against his wall, beanies, and his guitar. But It doesn't feel like any normal teenage boy. Maybe because Finn isn't any normal teenage boy.

"Wanna watch some tv? We can listen to music, smoke?" He started suggesting things. "You smoke?" I asked slightly shocked. He nodded. "Yeah but really only when I'm nervous or stressed." Finn said grabbing a packet full of cigarettes. "You're nervous?" I asked. "Uh yeah I guess." He said scratching the back of his neck.

Is he nervous because of me?

"Well I don't bite." I said immediately regretting it. He smirked at me, "sorry that came out the wrong way.. I meant you don't have to be nervous around me." I told him reassuringly. "Well what if I want you to bite?" He said deviously. My cheeks started to heat up so I looked down at my shoes Shaking my head. "I'm kidding Millie." He said jokingly. "I know." I smiled.

Finn grabbed a lighter out of his pocket and lit the cigarette, putting it up to his lips, inhaling, and exhaling with a cloud of smoke coming from his mouth. "Those are pretty much cancer sticks." I said sitting down on his bed. He shrugged. "Wanna try?" He said with a playful, evil grin. I shook my head. "You sure?" He said handing one to me.

I really didn't want to do this, but I'm changing already, and of course I didn't want to seem like a chicken. He lit my cigarette and I copied his actions. I started coughing right after. "I'm guessing you've never smoked at all." He said chuckling. I shyly shook my head. "It's okay you'll get used to it." Finn said and walked out onto his balcony. I followed him putting my arms on the railing.

"So Millie Bobby Brown, test 1 on becoming a Member of the pack has been completed." He looks at me smiling. "What was it? You never told me." I asked. "Well that's a point. There spontaneous, this one was skipping class." He turned his head back looking into the distance. I smiled to myself, maybe this is who I'm supposed to be.

"What does the Wolfpack really do?" I asked looking down, blowing smoke out of my mouth. "Well, we go to party's, smoke, drink, anything rebellious." He said. "You guys sure do have a reputation." He nodded. "I guess, we are the bad kids at school, just not the bullies people are still afraid of us though." I smiled again. "Yeah it was weird, today walking into school when I was with you, everyone either backed away or stared." I looked up at him. "Yeah that happens but there was a different reason." He said looking at me now. "And that was?" I asked. "You, everyone was looking at you. The 'freak' of the school, it's a weird combination. But I think it works." He said smirking doing quotation marks on freak, I guess I'm not a freak to him.

"Me too."

I looked down at my watch 1:35pm

"Ugh, I'm seriously so stupid." I said putting my head down. "Why?" He asked. "Cause I stuttered presenting, I ran out of class, I was crying in front of you and Noah and now everyone is gonna think I'm more of a loser and freak." I said fast. "Hey hey hey, don't worry about it, I bet you once you're with us all the time, that reputation of you will be poof! Gone just like that." He said and snapped his fingers.

"Hopefully, it seems like I cry almost everyday." I sighed knowing it's true. "And it's okay to cry you know, everyone cries." Finn said trying to cheer me up. "I know.." somehow Finn actually made me feel better, nobody really ever does. "Wanna know something?" I asked he nodded taking another puff from his cigarette. "You are my first real friend." I said, he looked at me shocked. "You're saying you've never had a friend?" He asked I nodded.

"That's stupid! You're awesome and nice and cool." He said making me smile "Nobody has ever taken the time to get to know me. Everyone just assumes the worst of me." I said pushing my glasses up more. "Well I'm glad to be your first real friend." He smiled nudging my shoulder which hurt because of my bruises but I didn't let it show.

"It's lunch, and I'm hungry. Would you like to go to lil biscuits?" Finn asked, I smiled and nodded because I was also hungry. We both grabbed our skateboards and headed out. "You know what I've never asked you?" I asked. "What?" Finn asked shrugging his shoulders. "How old are you." I let out a giggle. "That's weird, we both don't know each other's ages but to be fair we only met 2 days ago.. anyway I'm 16." He did his signature smirk, making me smile. "I'm 15." I said proudly. He just smirked more. "What?" I asked in a giggly voice. "Nothing." He said "yeah sure what?" I asked again. "I just didn't think I would be older than you, you look like you're 16 or something." He said. "Is that bad or good?" I asked is a flirty voice... wow I really am changing. "Good? Yeah good." He reassured himself. We both laughed a little.

"So how many more tests do I have to do?" I asked hoping he would tell me. "Probably 6 because you're doing it for a week which is 7 days and you already have done 1." He said. "Wow who knew you could do math." I said in a playful way. "Just because I like to skip classes and I'm a rebel doesn't mean I'm not smart." He defended himself. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I said smirking.


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