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Chapter Two: The Wolfpack

"So maybe you're the one."


I was riding my skateboard as fast as I could down to my house. I got to the front door and walked in as quickly and quietly as I could.

"MILLIE!" My dad shouts, drunk. "Yes?" I answer walking into the kitchen covered with beer bottles and cigarettes everywhere. "WHERE WERE YOU!" He stepped closer to me. My heart started pounding. "I lost track of time at work." I said.

"LIES! Tell me the truth!" He pointed his finger at me. "Honest!" I said back a bit to loud. He slapped me hard across the face. My cheek stung like if there were 1,000 bees attacking me.

"I swear to god Millie! You should have never been born! You're just a dumb girl!" I tried to run away but he grabbed me and pulled me back by the arm and threw me down onto the ground.

I felt my nose start to bleed and a bruise forming on my arm. "You deserve punishment for your behavior." He sternly said. I already knew what was coming.

He grabbed his belt and smacked me with it, multiple times on my back and legs. "OW! You're hurting me! stop!" I yelled which made him hit me harder. "Please." I started sobbing. "Fine! Now go to your room Asshole!" He yelled.

I walked as fast as I could to my room limping, wincing in pain with every step I took. I turned around and locked the door. I laid down on bed and sobbed, I didn't have dinner and I wasn't planning on getting any.


I woke up at 6:30am like normal and got dressed. I put on black jeans, a cropped long sleeve shirt. I wore my dirty old converse. I threw on my hoodie, grabbed my backpack and went to school. Once I got to the campus, I hopped off my skateboard and headed inside. It was 8:00 so I had 40 minutes but I just had to get away from my house.

I went to my locker and set all my stuff down and grabbed the stuff I needed. I turned around and started walking down the hall. I found my way into my science classroom, which was my first class.

"Morning Millie." Miss Ryder said with a smile. I waved to her with my head down and sat in the back. The classroom started filling up. Soon enough all of the desks were filled with students talking. I saw the same bad boy Finn from the record shop in the 4th row of desks I smiled a little.

"Good morning everyone, so today we will be starting a science project. You will need to be paired up And before you look around at your friends, I made pairs already." Everyone groaned. "Alright, Wyatt you're with Maddie." She kept going down the list. "And Finn you're with Millie." My jaw dropped.

No no this can't be happening, he's a rebel I'm a loser, this isn't gonna go well. "Which person is Millie?" Finn asked. "Millie raise your hand." Miss Ryder commands, I put my hand up slowly but not too high. Finn walks over and sits down. My heart starts beating fast. "Hey aren't you the girl from hall of sound?" He asked. I nodded.

"Miss Brown, no hoods on in class please." Miss Ryder says loudly. I nodded and slowly pulled my hood down revealing my cut face, my black eye. I looked over at Finn and he just sat there in shock.

"What happened? You didn't look like that yesterday?" Finn quietly asked. "I-I fell of my s-skateboard." I made up an excuse hoping to end this conversation. I need to stop stuttering, like he's cute and a rebel and I just need to stop stuttering he's just gonna think I'm even more of a freak.


I put my hood back on and waited in line. I got a small sandwich and a pudding cup, All of the tables were occupied so, sitting against my locker in the hallway was pretty much my only option

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