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Chapter six: Lil Biscuits

"I know Millie, I'm sorry."


Finn and I both sit down at a 2 person booth in Lil Biscuits, a local diner. We both pull out the menus, I open mine to find a Cesar salad. I look up at Finn over the top of my menu, he's looking very focused on what he wants, I guess he really is hungry. "Hey Finn after this I have to head to Hall Of Sound do you wanna come and hang out?" I asked.

"Pssh of course, if there's music or food I'm there." He said making both of us chuckle. We both put down our menus and waited for the waiter to come by. "Hello, I'm Natalia and I'll be your waitress today, are you ready to order?" She asked in a sweet voice. "Yes?" I said looking at Finn, he nodded his head telling me to order.

"Can I get the small Cesar salad and some lemonade?" I asked, "of course and for you sir?" She looked down at Finn. "Just a Burger and fries please." He smiled. "Alright that will be out in a few minutes." She smiled then she walked away. Finn and I talked about music until Natalia came back with our food.

"And here you go, Cesar salad, and a burger with fries." She smiled. "Thank you." I said and she walked back to the bar. "So how's your food?" Finn asked me. "It's great, how about you?" I replied, all he did was make an okay sign with a funny face. I smiled a bit. Mid way through our lunch I spotted someone familiar, too familiar. "Shit." I whisper yelled. "What's wrong?" Finn asked concerned. "Just hide me." I said.

Finn got up and sat on my side of the booth putting up a menu so no one could see our faces. "Millie what's happening." He asked in a whisper. "My dad." Is all I said. Since it was a 2 person booth it was a small seat. Finn and I were so close our legs were touching which sent shivers up my spine, with my cheeks heating up.

Finn looked at me with a confused face. I saw my dad walk into the diner, and headed towards the bar. Of course he would go to the bar. I sighed and shook my head, knowing what will be happening later tonight. "Finn we have to go now." I said worriedly, every 5 seconds looking up at my dad. "What why?" He asked confused. "I'll tell you later but now we have to go unless you want to see a huge scene." I said. He nodded and took $20 out of his wallet and put it on the table, we both hurried out of the diner grabbing our skateboards and riding to Hall of Sound.

Once we were far away from the diner I let out a sigh of relief and started to calm down, then I remembered that I was with Finn, and he wanted to know. "Millie what happened back there?" Finn asked. I rolled my eyes out of frustration, but nothing against Finn. "It's nothing I'll tell you later." I sighed. "No Millie now." He said sternly, not enough to scare me but enough to make me not ignore him. He stopped on his skateboard, making me stop.

"My dad and I, we just don't get along that's all." I said. But Finn knew there was more, I sensed it but he said nothing. "I'm sorry Finn." I said. "For what?" He asked kindly. "For ruining lunch." I let out a sigh. "Don't worry about it, you did nothing wrong, it was an adventure too." He smiled. "Okay." I said looking down.


"Yo jae!" I shouted walking into the back of hall of sound with Finn. "Hey guys." Jaeden said looking at us. "Finn's gonna stay here for a bit." I said. Jaeden nodded and walked off. "Okay so Finn, it's normally pretty crowded today so I'll be at the cash register, you can hang with me there, or since you've been here so much, help people." I smiled. "I'll stay here, I don't normally help people." He said. I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

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