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Chapter thirteen: The morning after

"What fuck no... we just made out.. a lot."


I woke up the next morning in Finn's room. Did Finn and I really do it last night or was that a dream. I looked down to see myself in only my bra and underwear. Fuck. To my left Finn was sleeping Peacefully, I quickly got up and grabbed one of his long sleeved shirts and put it on. "Finn." I crawled back up on his bed. "Finn?" I whispered shaking his bare shoulder. "Mhm." He mumbled. "Wolfhard! Did we have se-."

"What fuck no... we just made out.. a lot." He said.

"Okay good cause I woke up in my fucking bra underwear and I thought we did and I'm to young to hav-." Finn cut my rambling off. "Mills I understand, you're not ready and I'm not ready. We were close though hence the reason why I'm only in boxers." He said making me blush, he is literally just laying there no shirt on,  just looking at me. "And how did you get my shirt?" He asked. I pointed to his closet, "ah I see, comfy right?" I nodded and giggled. "Keep it, it looks nice." He said even though it's like a very short dress on me, like short shorts length.

"Are you only saying that cause it shows half of my ass?" I said sassily. "Uh maybe? Well no you look beautiful but that is a plus." He smirked. "Oh shut it wolfhard." I said getting up. "Is Nick here?" I asked. "Nope he is staying at his friends house for the next 3 days or something he left yesterday." Finn said standing up. "Are you gonna put clothes on cause it's kinda weird, were not even dating." I pointed out. "Well... do you wanna date?" Finn asked while putting on sweatpants. "Mhmm." I mumbled quietly. "What was that?" He asked coming closer to me. "Yes Finn I wanna date." I said smirking. "Good, well Millie Bobby Brown, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes I will." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck pecking his lips at the same time. He pecked my cheek and squeezed my butt and ran away before I could do anything. "Finn wolfhard!" I shouted, he just laughed. I grabbed my sweatpants and ran after him. "Not coo-." I was cut of by the sight of Finn chugging milk from the carton. "That is disgusting." I said with a chuckle. "Yeah whatever." He said out of breath. "So what do you want to eat?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Wanna bagel?" He asked and I nodded. "Finn? Are we going to tell anyone about us yet?" I asked him.

"Well only if you want to, they're probably gonna tease us a lot but it's up to you, I don't care either way." He smiled putting a bagel in the toaster. "Do you want to split a bagel?" He asked. "Yeah I'm not that hungry." I smiled. "It's is cool that I have a British girlfriend." He chuckled. "Yeah it's so cool that I have a hot boyfriend." I mimicked him changing the sentence. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. "Thank you Finn." I said. "For what?" He asked me with a confused look. "For everything, for changing me for making me who I really am, for caring and protecting me, and being the best boyfriend." I smiled at him. "Well you deserve it, so you're welcome." He said and kissed me and I kissed back, he moved down to my jaw and then my neck, and then he started giving me a hickey. "Finn.." I said enjoying it. "They will see it." I said referring to the Wolfpack. "Use makeup for now." He said quickly. I gave up and let him make the mark on my neck.

The toaster popped making us come back to real life. "Is it bad?" I asked when he was looking at my neck. "Ehh not bad.." he smiled and winked. I blushed lightly and smacked his bare arm. He laughed and walked away putting cream cheese on the bagel. I jumped up onto the counter and took my half and started eating. "You are so damn cute." He said before taking a bite of his bagel. Once we finished our bagel, he brought up a conversation that I didn't want to have. "Millie what are we gonna do about your dad." He asked me. I sighed. "I don't know, I'll go home today because he will be gone." I said, I knew he was gonna be gone. "Okay but call me if you need anything." He said. I smiled at him. "I better get going, Noah wanted me to come over to help him with his math homework, he's failing but don't tell him that I told you." I said.

"Promise?" I asked
"Promise." He said and we pinky did a swear.

I grabbed a of my stuff and headed to my house to get my backpack which I left when getting my stuff for the party. "Please don't be home." I mumbled to myself as I walked in the front door. I guess my dad was home, I walked in and saw him passed out of the couch, I rolled my eyes and got to my room safely. I walked back out with my back pack and a new changed of clothes. As I walked around the corner of my house to get to the front door, my dad popped out and punched me in the face and stomach, my nose started bleeding once again, and a huge gash across my stomach was now visible, the blood soaking through my t shirt. "You stupid little girl. Where have you been for the passed 3 days!" He shouted.

"Anywhere..but..here." I said and punched him in the face knocking him out. I got out of the house as fast as I could. Limping, trying to stop my nose from bleeding, and crying. Noah's house wasn't too far from mine, only 4 houses. I got there and knocked on the door hoping Noah would answer, but it was a girl. "Are you okay? Who are you." She asked. "I'm Millie brown and I need Noah." I said out of breath. "First off you need help and I'll go get Noah." She said. "Come in." I walked into the house and stood there to not get blood on anything. "DAD A LITTLE HELP PLEASE!" She yelled through the house. A couple seconds later a tall and muscular man came out from the corner.

"Millie needs help." She said to her dad "I'm gonna get Noah." She turned to me. "O my gosh what happened." He asked as he grabbed a first aid kit. My nose stopped bleeding but my cut on my stomach didn't. "I fell." I said lying. "Millie I know you didn't fall, tell me the truth." He said. "None of this will get better unless you tell me." He said again. I nodded. "My dad, he abuses me." I said lightly crying. "Millie this isn't okay. I'm sorry but I'm calling the police." He said. I protested but I gave up, soon Noah walked in. "Millie I'm so sorry!" He said and gave me a light hug. "Thanks but I have no place to live now." I sighed. "Well you are going to live with us." His dad said. "If you didn't know, I'm not married anymore so it's always nice to have more company. I'm going to adopt you." He smiled. "Really?" I asked. He nodded his head, I looked over at Noah, he was about to explode with excitement.

"Millie you're gonna be my sister!" He said. "And mine." Chloe said butting in. "And you will be my sister and Noah's gonna be my brother." I said happily. "Thank you so much Mr. Schnapp." I said. "Please call me David." He said. "Thank you David." I smiled. I gave him a hug along with Noah and Chloe. "You can stay in my room for now." Chloe said. "Thank you Chloe." I smiled. "I'm actually not upset on sharing my room." She chuckled, making me chuckle. "Well it's going to be amazing." I said and smiled. A couple minutes later we heard police sirens go off.


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