Chapter 36: Jewels and Storms

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The day they found the jewel was a day a storm broke out. Lilith had broken another seal. She now had 60. Only six to go. The angels were frantic. As were the demons. It was pure chaos in both heaven and hell. Only six seals till Lucifer rose.
The jewel was in a freaking museum. Thank goodness, something normal for once. Yet museums had cameras. Security. High grade locks.
Sam, Dean, and Beth could all pick locks rather well. But not museum quality locks. They needed help.
"Hey, Cas?" Lizbeth had opened a window, and was yelling out towards the sky, "Some help would be nice."
The angel showed up seconds later.
"What is wrong, Lizbeth?" He asked, tilting his head.
"We need entry to a museum, to steal a gem."
"Which gem?"
"The Jewel of Salazar."
Castiel flashed out of sight, before reappearing with a gem the size of his fist cupped in his hand.
Dean took it from him, and gently placed it in a wooden box that was covered in symbols. 
They had the last thing needed.
And far, far away, the 61st seal was broken.
Lilith was getting closer to the apocalypse.

Angel Of Misery - A Supernatural fanfiction [PART ONE] [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now