Chapter 10: Sammy Boy

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Sam was fun to hunt with. He smiled, he laughed, he was kind. When he interrogated a witness, he acted as if the witness was a piece of glass, and one wrong or harsh word could shatter her or him.
It was soothing.
Lizbeth was used to Dean's way, which was still kind and caring, yet had threatening undertones. How he would be a little... Rough, at times, with his language. Lizbeth was in-between the two, and worked well with both. Yet, Dean was getting better at being polite.
And then John called, and nothing was the same.
And then he actually showed up, and Dean changed back. He became 'Daddy's little soldier' once more, which didn't go away for quite some time.
Thankfully, Dean got a little better after John left once again, and everything went back to normal.
Or, well, as normal as it can be.

Hey, guys!!!
So the next few chapters are gonna be spaced between seasons 1,2,3 and 4. And the chapters will remain short. But, hey, some good news!!
I'm almost done writing this story in one of my various notebooks, and I'll probably upload more frequently, and I'll probably start scribbling the second book of this in another one of my notebooks.
So, let's vote, those of you who are still reading!
Should the second part be named:
1: Angel of Misery: Part Two
2: Angel of Misery: Demon's Run
(Yes, that is a Doctor Who reference.)
3: Angel of Misery: The Fall

I might come up with more ideas eventually. Sorry for making the authors note so long!!! And for having such a tiny chapter!!!
Love you guys. Have a good (insert time of day)!!!

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