Chapter 7: Family

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By the time they got back to the car, Lizbeth was half asleep. "Hey... Beth..." Dean whispered, nudging his soon to be sisters leg. She jolted upright in a cold sweat, hissing as she moved. Dean frowned.
Nightmares. He knew that they would persevere for a while.
"We brought food."
Lizbeth gave a weak smile, and Dean gently handed her a slice of pizza. John leaned back and gave her a bottle of Coke, before uncapping his own cold drink. Lizbeth forced down a few swallows, almost gagging as it hit her raw throat. Dean opened the back of the chip bag with a pocketknife, and put it between them to split.
Beth's pizza was still untouched when the car started up again.
Dean's phone rang. A rock song came on, and he answered with a smile. "Heya, Sammy." He took another bite of pizza.
"Dean! How'd the hunt go?" A young voice beamed.
Dean turned toward Beth, and mouthed 'my brother', before turning back to the phone and replying.
"Well, we got rid of the demon..."
Dean lowered his voice and turned away so that Beth wouldn't hear, for fear of reminding her even more of what had happened.
"The demon was possessing a girl's brother. He tortured her. We're bringing her to you. She's a 16 year old girl named Lizbeth."
"Tell her I hope she's alright." Sam sounded sad.
"Sam... We're gonna adopt her..."
Sam smiled. "Can't wait to meet her!"
"Anyway, I gotta go, Sammy."
He hung up.
Lizbeth was fidgeting in her seat.
"Beth, what's your full name?" John asked, briefly taking his eyes off the road and glancing towards her.
She made the faintest whisper.
"My..." She took a deep breath, "Lizbeth Joy Constance. My name is Lizbeth Joy Constance."

Angel Of Misery - A Supernatural fanfiction [PART ONE] [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now