Chapter 19: Wake Me Up Before You Go

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Lizbeth sighed, and gulped down some more beer. She was at Bobby's again, answering questions for random hunters and pretending to be an FBI agent occasionally. It was actually pretty fun. "Hello, Agent Constance speaking." She answered the phone labeled FBI. She had taken to calling herself by her original last name when she pretended to be an agent. Because then, it wasn't a lie.
"Yes, this is Officer Willard. I'm calling about one of your agents..."
"Which one, officer?" Lizbeth put on her best southern accent.
"Agent Gabriel." He said.
Lizbeth smiled to herself. Sam occasionally used that alias.
"Where are you, sir?"
"Yes, that is one of my agents. Please allow him access to your information. Have a nice day. Goodbye."
Yes, she certainly liked this. And Sam was in Ohio.
So he was alive after all.
He hadn't been answering her calls lately. Of course, this was usual. But it made her worry. She didn't want to loose another brother. It would happen eventually though. Sam might die soon, for all she knew. Probably stupidly, despite his book smarts.
She missed when they were little, watching cheesy action movies with Dean and laughing at the jokes. Well, it  usually just was her and Sam, seeing how Dean was always hunting with John, leaving Sam and Beth behind to research. It was how they stayed busy, after all.
But occasionally, when there were no monsters to hunt or ghosts to salt and burn, Dean would be there. He would watch something with them and laugh.
She missed those days.
She drew herself back to the present when the phone rang again. But, it was Bobby's phone. She picked it up, and sprinted to where Bobby was. In his kitchen, eating leftovers from dinner. "Thanks, Beth." He said, taking it from her and smiling. Lizbeth left the room as soon as he answered.

Angel Of Misery - A Supernatural fanfiction [PART ONE] [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now