Chapter 22: Sammy

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"Heya, Sammy."
Sam stared at Dean, confused. He stepped forward, and Dean spread his arms. What Dean didn't expect was for Sam to leap at him with a knife. Kind of like Bobby had. Sam threw Dean against the wall, and exclaimed, "Who are you?! What have you done to my brother?!"
Lizbeth screamed, and pushed Sam off of him. "Sam! We've been through this! It's him! It's really him!" She exclaimed, wrenching the knife out of his grip, where it had been about to stab at Dean's chest.
"Dean?" He stiffened, letting Dean go.
"Yeah," Dean smirked, "I look great, don't I?"
Sam threw his brother into an embrace.

Season 4, Episode 1, again! Love y'all!!

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