Chapter 2: Blur

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The world was blurry. At first, it was just a few swirls of colors and shapes and harsh outlines. Lizbeth's head ached, and her forehead stung from a large gash. She groaned, and raised her head, which forced a wave of sickness through her.
"Hello, Lizzy."
Her head snapped to the side at the sound of Daniel's voice. "Danny?!" She cried, struggling against the bonds that tied her to a chair.
They were in the kitchen of their tiny apartment. The furniture had been moved to accommodate for the sickening array of knives that had been laid out on trays and tables. Lizbeth whimpered, her small frame shivering in her seat.
"Oh come on, Lizzy. We're gonna have some fun." His voice was higher than normal, and it was horrifying. His eyes were still black, hiding his usual electric blue.
He grabbed a long, sharp, slender carving knife.
Daniel laughed.
Lizbeth screamed.

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