The Final Goodbye - Chapter Forty

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Hey everyone here is the final chapter of Gaining Control one thing to keep in mind is PREPARE YOURSELVES!

Anyway happy reading...



I sat in the loft staring at an episode of Friends. Usually I couldn't stop myself from laughing at the silliness of the characters and the funny scenes. However, today laughter didn't leave my lungs. It didn't even develop.

Something had changed in me. A darkness now caged my heart.

"Hey, how are you doing?" A feminine voice piped up, and I realized it was Erica. She took a seat beside me on the couch and touched my hand slightly.

I accepted her comfort and switched off the television, "Better..." I bluntly replied trying to force a smile.

"Well that didn't sound as convincing as you thought it sounded."

I sighed and my eyes focused on my now twiddling thumbs. "Sorry, I'm just in a slump right now, I don't now how to feel... Act."

She moved closer and put an arm around me, "That is totally normal okay, don't try to force anything. I can't imagine how hard this is for you, especially since it's happened so many times."

I nodded and feebly looked up to meet her gaze, "Thanks, for the support."

"Anytime," She smiled and left me to be alone again.

I looked at the clock on the back wall. Five hours till I had to leave to help prepare or help Peter do whatever shit he needed me to do.

Those hours flew by and I only had a few left, everyone had been leaving me by myself for the past two days and I felt isolated. I couldn't blame myself I'm the one who told them to leave me be.

I needed to process things, I still had that numb feeling lingering around and it wouldn't leave. I took a deep breath and stood up from the couch and headed into my room.

There was something I needed to do before I left for one last time.

Heading to my desk I pulled out a rose gold piece of paper and black ink. I sat, and I wrote. I wrote a final goodbye to my one true love. The words came to me easily and I wrote pages and pages of lovey dovey crap that was horrifically true.

I sealed it quickly and ran up to Erica's room, "Hey Hayley everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to have a quick chat with you before I leave." She nodded and motioned for me to join her on her bed.

"I need you to give this to Isaac for me after tonight?" I began and Erica's eyes widened, "I know what you're thinking and no I'm not going to go that far. It's just afterwards I'll be taking some time away from Beacon Hills and just give that to him because it will explain everything."

She took a deep breath and her face softened, "Phew, for a moment there I thought that-"

"Well you were wrong," I forced a fake smile and I left her room in a rush.

Oh Erica, I'm sorry but you were right. I was going to do that, and I was going to take it that far. My phone then buzzed and I immediately fetched it out of my pocket.

Scott: You ready?

Hayley: Yes, I'll see you soon

I switched off my phone before I quickly went into Boyd's room and gave him a quick goodbye, and wished him luck on his future endeavors.

I walked down the stairs and towards Isaac's room, "Hey..." I started.

He jumped up from his desk, and his pencil he was holding hit the desk. "You okay?" I nodded weekly and he came over and hugged me, "Everything is going to be okay we will come up with a plan. We always come up with one anyway." He replied and never let me go. He squeezed his hold on me tighter and I did the same.

Gaining Control || Isaac LaheyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora