False Reality - Chapter Nine

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Darkness surrounded my mind. Was this it? Just an eternal life of darkness for me. I felt my toe suddenly twitch, and my eyes snapped opened.

I let out a gasp of air, and hesitantly sat up, "Hayley!?" A confused voice asked. I was in the same spot I had supposedly died in. I looked up and saw Isaac standing in front of me, his face filled with shock.

"I-How?" He said to me and scratched the back of his head, scanning his eyes all over me.

I shook my head at him, "I'm not dreaming am I. Wait can you dream if you're dead?" I wondered and pinched myself, "Okay, well I'm not dreaming?" I proclaimed and felt pain where I had pinched my arm.

"You're alive?" He muttered before calling out to the others, who came rushing into the room. They all looked shocked when they saw I was awake.

"Derek how is this possible?" Scott asked him who looked just as astounded as everyone else.

"This is extremely rare," He began, "I've heard of this happening to some people when they reject the bite, but I've never seen it happen." I watched his eyes scan me, trying to figure what is going on.

I sat there in awe of what Derek had just said, "So what is going to happen to me?" I worriedly asked him, feeling the panic rising in me.

He shook his head, "I don't know. There is a possibility that you haven't been affected..." He drifted off slowly.

"And what's the other possibility?" Stiles interjected and gave Derek a glare.

"That she might turn into some sort of supernatural creature," Erica suddenly let out a gasp and so did I. Why couldn't of I just of died instead? I slowly began to stand up. Isaac saw me struggling and rushed over to help me. "Thanks..." I muttered and let my body lean on his for support.

"Well what happens now?" I turned to Derek and questioned him for the millionth time.

"You go and live life like a normal teenager but if something happens..." He started

"You need to tell one of us." Scott finished for Derek and gave me a serious look. All I wanted to do now was just go home. I looked down at my clothes and they were still wrecked, and my entire body felt icky.

I slowly lifted up my head, "Can someone just please take me home?" A hot shower and some rest is exactly what I wanted right now. I also just wanted some time to process everything I have learnt.

"Yeah sure I-" Isaac started but was soon interrupted by Scott, "We can take her home," He said aggressively. I rolled my eyes and gave Isaac an apologetic look. He released me from his grip and luckily I was able to stand by myself. Scott and Isaac shared a glare making the tension in the room become thicker by the second.

We didn't say anything else, due to the tension rising between Scott and Isaac. Instead we just walked out of the building and into Stiles blue jeep. "How are you feeling?" Stiles asked me and turned his head around to the backseat, before looking back at the road.

"Well for someone who just died and came back to life... I feel great." I sarcastically replied and noticed Stiles smile at me through the rear view mirror. "How long was I out for anyway?"

Scott ruffled his hair before replying, "You were dead for about 30 minutes. Your heart stopped and everything. I'm still in shock that you're suddenly alive."

I looked at him with wide eyes. My heart stopped and basically started up again? This was crazy. Actually, it sounded impossible. We pulled up into my driveway and I thanked them for looking after me. "I'm glad you're alive Hayley. Please if something happens-"

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