The Menticus - Chapter Twenty - Six

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My eyes snapped opened and I inhaled a sharp breath. I had no clue where I was, I don't even remember how I got here. I squinted my eyes in confusion, my vision was a little blurry. I went to stand up and found myself chained up to a poll. "What the?" I breathed and pulled the chains.

On the other side of the room was stairs, and the walls seemed to be made out of concrete. I think I was in a basement. My head was pounding and I groaned in pain clutching my head.

"Morning sleeping beauty," An evil chuckle stated. I looked around the room and saw Peter walking down the stairs towards me.

I pulled at the chains, "Why can't I remember how I got here?" I groaned, and felt the chains digging into my wrists.

"That's because one of my wolves knocked you out, you see we didn't want you to remember where exactly we were keeping you. We also needed to lock you up and make sure you wouldn't run off." He slyly grinned at me. That same sly grin that made my insides churn.

"Can you at least unchain me, I won't go anywhere." I told him, he shook his head and walked closer to me.

"But what is the fun in that?" He gave me a smug smirk before standing up.

I let out a sigh, "What do you even want Peter?"

"I need you to help me out," He informed me and slowly began to pace the room.

"And what makes you think I will help you." I snarled at him

He laughed, and I felt the evil radiating behind it, "Oh I think you will help me whether you want to or not." He smirked and a scowl placed onto my face, "Derek rang me one day asking what I knew about someone rejecting the bite and if I knew anything about a supernatural being known as 'The Mentis' of course I pretended I knew nothing to lower suspicion, but I know everything about your kind. Once I knew he had created one, my plan would soon fall into place. I went to the place Derek bit you because I was searching for something in particular."

Peter started walking closer to me, "I don't know what Deaton told you, but whenever one of your kind is created, a special item is spawned. This item is needed for them to be in full control of their powers. Unfortunately if someone else gains possession they will have complete and utter control over 'The Mentis' until the bond grows strong enough, and I can control you completely." He chuckled.

"No, you're lying t-this can't be true." I stuttered feeling my heart pick up speed. He pulled out a white diamond shaped crystal and swung it in front of my face.

"You're mine now Hayley, all mine."




"What are we going to do then?" Scott asked Dr Deaton. My mind was running wild, thinking of all the horrible things he could be doing to Hayley.

"I'm afraid there isn't much we can do." He admitted and I felt my pulse rise.

"We have to do something! I'm about to go out of my FREAKING MIND!" I yelled and slammed my fist onto the table.

Silence filled the clinic while everyone stared at me, "Isaac we don't know what Peter is planning or where we can even find Hayley." Allison pointed out and rubbed my back.

"Well we can't just sit here and do nothing, we have to go search for her." I told them and went to head for the door.

"Isaac think about this, she could be anywhere other than Beacon Hills. Our best bet is to wait and see what happens." Scott truthfully said and my stomach dropped.

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