The Missing Banshee - Chapter Eighteen

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I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room, where all the others were. By others I meant everyone. Scott, Allison, Stiles and my pack. However, Lydia wasn't there which was strange and my gut was swirling with anxiety.

"Whats going on?" Boyd asked the question that was on my mind.

Scott let out a sigh, "It's Lydia, she is missing."

My eyes bolted open and my stomach dropped, "H-how do you know this?" I stuttered still shocked from this new information.

"We haven't seen or heard from Lydia in days. I even showed up to her house and her mother said she hasn't been home for a while. They have put out an APB for her and we still haven't heard anything." Allison informed everyone.

A lightbulb in my brain went off as I remembered that this has happened before, "Do you reckon this has something to do with her new abilities. This has happened once before, when she got bit." I reminded them.

"There is a possibility, but we aren't positive." Stiles said and looked rather down. The whole mood in the loft was low. Everyone seemed sad; I couldn't blame them. It felt like nothing was getting better even when you thought it was starting too.

"Well, lets not sit around and assume things. Hayley go with them and head to Lydia's house. See if you can find any clues. The rest of the us will roam around town and see what we find." Derek instructed everyone and we set off to Lydia's house.

The drive to her house was silent. I could tell Stiles was all riled up from the sudden disappearance of Lydia Martin. It still hasn't sunken in for me that she is just missing. My stomach was tied in knots hoping nothing bad had happened to her.

We pulled into the Martin's driveway. Their grand house standing before us. She always lived a real barbie lifestyle and I was secretively envious of that.

Not only was she gorgeous, smart, had many guys falling at her feet. She had the luxurious lifestyle many girls dreamed about. In fact, if you left out the supernatural crap that has been happening, her life would be down pat extraordinary.

We piled out of Stiles blue Jeep, and hastily marched up to their front door.

Stiles being Stiles knocked at least a thousand times on the door, and we got no answer, "I don't think her parents are home, what do we do now?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow.

"Break in," Scott strongly stated.

Stiles rolled his eyes, "We aren't breaking in," He told Scott before he walked over to the pot plant by the door and dug his hand around, "we are using the spare key." He finished as he lifted the sterling silver key from the plant, and pushed it into the door.

Of course. Only Stiles would know where the Martin's kept their spare key. "Okay, we will look in her bedroom," Allison informed the boys.

"Stiles and I will look down here," Scott said before walking off.

Allison and I ascended the stairs and entered Lydia's perfectly well kept room. I began to look in her wardrobe for any misplaced things. I had been in Lydia's room multiple times and she always had a particular place for her things.

"Find anything?" Allison wondered and I shook my head as I shut her wardrobe door. I walked over to her desk and saw her books neatly placed and her desk neat and tidy. "Nothing here either." I stated and walked over to Allison.

Scott and Stiles soon entered her room, "We didn't-"

"Find anything," Scott finished for me, "I heard you guys." I pressed my lips together and scanned the room. I found myself being drawn to a book on her bed side table.

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