Left For Dead - Chapter Eight

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Derek's words rang throughout my mind, like a song on replay, "She's dying..." I couldn't be, I can't just die, not now.

"H-how is this possible..." I drifted off and watched Derek remain silent, "You did this to me didn't you?" I stuttered and watched him bite his lip.

"You almost died in the car crash, so when I bit you there was a chance it would save your life or kill you." He explained while using minimal hand gestures. I looked at him trying to take his words into accounting. Why the hell did he care at all? He doesn't even know me.

"So you are a werewolf?" I asked immediately regretting my question. All Derek did was nod in confirmation. How was this even possible? Did the others know? I shook my head at him, but my focus on him changed to the blood dripping from my nose. Death was creeping up on me

For the next couple of minutes I stood silently as Derek explained everything to me. All from Scott getting bitten, to the alpha, that lead to the kanima.

I stood there taking in everything he was saying, I actually believed it this time. I was surprised with all this new found information, but it was no use since I was dying anyway. When he finished Isaac then said, "How long does she have?"

He looked at me watching the black blood slowly falling out of my nose, "About an hour..." I couldn't respond after that. Instead I stood there with gob smack written all over my face. This was it, it was final, I was going to die. The door opened and Erica and Boyd came running through. "We heard what happened," Boyd panted and looked straight at me.

I could see it in their eyes they all felt sorry for me. Isaac's face began to fall and he looked sad. "Here come with me," Erica told me, gesturing for me to follow her. I looked back at the others and walked off with her.

She pulled me into her room shutting the door, "I'm sorry this is happening to you. He really thought it would save you." I shrugged at her knowing there wasn't much we could do. The bleeding soon stopped after a while and Erica sat with me telling me stories about their adventures and from when she was bitten.

"I literally thought you were a different person." I chuckled remembering the girl that walked down the halls a couple weeks ago.

She laughed back clutching her stomach, "I know, but it was the best thing that ever happened to me..." She drifted off realising what she had said, "I'm s-sorry,"

I shook my head at her, "It's alright, I'm kind of glad I'm dying anyway." Suddenly a horrid pain erupted throughout my body and I clutched my head. My head was on fire, and a deep burning sensation stabbed the side of my body. "Ahhhh!" I screamed out in pain and stumbled into Erica's side.

Erica slipped her arm under mine and guided me outside of her room back into the main area where the others were still. "Guys a little help," She called out, struggling keeping me up. Boyd and Isaac ran over taking me from Erica.

"It's coming out of her ears!" Boyd informed everyone. The feeling was unpleasant and slow, it felt icky having black blood oozing out of your nose and ears.

I felt my body begin to shake, and I was put down on the floor, my back resting against a wall. I whipped out my phone and texted Aunt Katherine, Lydia, Allison and told them that I loved them. I was about to hit Scott's name to text him when him and Stiles burst through the door.

"Hayley!?" They both said in unison before rushing to be by my side.

"What's happening!" Stiles softly spoke to me. I honestly felt like hell, my body ached in strife. I wanted it to be all over, I didn't want a slow painful death.

"This is all your fault!" I screamed at Derek, and felt more liquid run out of my ear.

Derek crossed his arms, "I tried to save your life!"

"You should've just left me for dead in the accident, at least I wouldn't be suffering anymore!" I retaliated and felt pain beginning to erupt in my stomach. I moaned in pain and closed my eyes.

My clothes were ruined, with black blood stains, my hair was wet, from how much my body was sweating. "Derek you have to do something!" Scott snapped and looked over at Derek.

He shrugged, "There isn't a cure, her body is rejecting it." He told him and Stiles. They both looked at me with hurt in their eyes.

"We didn't want you to get involved, we tried to keep you out of it." Scott told me and his eyes look down at the ground in disappointment.

I slowly flickered my eyes open, "I always knew something was up with the group, you guys always kept me in the dark. I don't blame you though..." I softly mumbled to Scott.

"Hayley..." Stiles stuttered and I could see the hurt in his eyes from watching one of his close friends die in front of him. I gave him a weak smile.

"I'll be okay, just take care of each other for me..." I said, trying to tell them not to worry about me. An excruciating pain erupted in my stomach.. "Gahhh!" I cried out in pain, and black blood spewed out of my mouth. Wow, in my last moments this is how everyone is going to remember me, the girl who vomited black blood - delightful.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Scott apologised and brushed some hair out of my face. I lied on the ground looking at everyone, this is not how I pictured myself in my last moments.

I didn't expect there to be such thing as a supernatural world filled with werewolves. At least I wouldn't have to deal with it, or put my life at risk. I thought to myself trying to stay positive for once.

Around the room everyone just looked depressed. Isaac looked crushed, as well as Erica. Derek had a bit of sorrow in his eyes, as if he had seen something similar happen before. However, for me I couldn't bare the pain anymore.

I vomited more black blood up coughing afterwards and felt my whole body slowly shutting down. My eyes were slowly drifting shut and I tried with the last bit of strength I had to keep them open. Scott and Stiles were speechless and I didn't blame them.

I wasn't mad anymore, I was weak and laid there helplessly. "At least you tried..." I feebly said and glanced up at Derek. He remained looking at me with his arms still crossed, I didn't expect a reaction from him.

"I love you guys," I whispered to Scott and Stiles, before the black blood stopped oozing out of me and my eyes closed for one final time.



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