Sacrifice - Chapter Thirty - Two

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I lied next to Isaac in his dark room, on his comfy bed. Our hands intertwined as I looked into his blue eyes. "I'm so ready to sleep," I yawned and felt my eyes close before I reopened them.

"Same here," He softly replied and rubbed his thumb over my fingers.

"I want to give you something," I told him, lacing my fingers around my neck and undoing the necklace he gave me.

He looked at me unsure of what I am doing, "I want you to look after this for me,"

"What why?" 

"When I tell you, I don't want you to worry, I want you to trust me okay?" He nodded at me awaiting for my next sentence.

"Something is going to happen and I don't want someone taking this necklace and having control over me, I want you to keep it safe, because that will be keeping me safe." I said, now sitting up and looking down at him.

He hastily sat up beside me, "What do you mean by something?!"

"I had a vision Isaac, and I had my crystal on me and someone stole it from me. I'm not letting that happen. I'm not letting someone have control over me, not again."

"W-Who was it?"

I drifted my eyes down, "I have no idea, but I need you to promise me that you will protect it."

He nodded slowly, "Are you going to get hurt?"

"I don't know, but I know as long as the Menticus is with you, I will be safe." I told him and rubbed my thumb over his soft cheek.

"I won't let you leave me again, last time I almost lost you."

"You won't lose me, I promise. Do you trust me?"

His eyes searched mine, "Of course I trust you, but-"

I raised my finger to his lips, "No buts, I will be fine, now lets sleep." I lied my body back down on Isaac's bed and felt him bring my body closer to his. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kisses my neck softly.

"Oh also, tomorrow morning we are both having breakfast at my Aunts" I blurted out and shut my eyes.

"Wait what!" No wanting to have that conversation with him about breakfast tomorrow morning, I connected myself to him and controled his body to fall asleep.

He slowly began snoring which made me chuckle, "Goodnight," I softly spoke to him and shut my eyes as well.

The next morning I sat in Derek's car that Isaac had taken without permission, while we both drove to Aunt Katherine's. Surprisingly I wasn't nervous about him meeting her but Isaac on the other hand couldn't look more freaked out.

He had one arm on the steering wheel and the other resting on my thigh, I laced my fingers with his and he let out a shaky breath causing me to laugh, "Can you seriously calm down, it is just my Aunt, it's not like we are about to go to war."

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to make a bad impression," I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"You won't, I know you won't."

"Can't you just control me to make me say the right things." He suggested.

"No way Lahey,  you can charm her by yourself."

I watched him roll his eyes at me as he halted to a stop outside my house. He gave my hand a squeeze and he took a deep breath. I opened the car door and raced around to his.

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