The Wolves - Chapter Eleven

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"So, you are basically saying I'm a supernatural known as The Mentis?" I asked Deaton, trying to wrap my head around this new part of my life.

He nodded, "Yes, Mentis is the Latin word for mind, and your abilities all revolve around the mind, hence the title of your rare supernatural type."

"Am I dangerous?" I asked before gulping.

"No, it is your decision how you adapt to your abilities and use them. It would be best if you visited my clinic a couple times a week so I can help you control your Mentis abilities." He suggested to me and turned to put the folder away.

I felt myself sighing before we left the animal clinic, "How are you feeling?" Isaac turned to me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I honestly don't know how to feel about all this..."

He smiled at me, and I knew we were back to Stiles being the only human in the group once again. "Alright, Stiles and I can drive you home if you want." Scott turned to me before opening the passenger door.

"I think it would be best if she comes and lives with Derek." Isaac piped in. Scott locked eyes with Isaac before he slammed the car door shut. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest, do they know I can make decisions for myself.

"Isaac, we don't even fully trust you. So I'm definitely not letting you control Hayley and where she should go. Come on Hayley let's take you home." Scott grabbed my hand and gestured towards the jeep.

I found myself looking towards Scott and Isaac, "Actually Isaac's right. I can't just go home and pretend everything is okay." I watched Scott's face drop "I can't risk my Aunt finding out." I explained.

"It's probably a good idea. If you need anything just call me?" Stiles informed me before kissing my forehead and jumping into the driver's seat.

Scott soon walked over to me and Isaac, "It's your choice, just be safe okay?" He replied, accepting the fact that I wasn't going to live a normal life anymore, "Oh, and Isaac, look after her. I may not trust you, but somehow she does..." He drifted off clearly not happy with me going with Isaac.

"I will, don't worry she's a part of our pack now." Isaac declared and I saw Scott clench his jaw, when Isaac mentioned pack.

I walked over to Scott and hugged him before whispering, "You guys will always be my real pack." I felt him smile as he hugged me closer, "Oh would you mind giving us a ride to the school my car is there." I asked Stiles who had his head sticking out the window. He gave me a thumbs up and I jumped into the back with Isaac.

The trip there was silent; except for the radio quietly playing. We soon arrived at the school. I thanked them both before I walked over to my car, and got into the drivers seat. I looked over and saw Isaac getting into my car, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I asked him with a raised brow.

"Coming with you," He stated and began to buckle up his seatbelt.

"Where is your ride?"

He clipped the buckle and looked over at me, "Erica drove to school today and took the car back to Derek's. So I have no way to get back, you're my only mode of transportation." He grinned at me before getting comfortable.

I started the ignition, "Also you probably don't know how to get to the loft, so I will be your guide." He smirked, I rolled my eyes before pulling out of the carpark.

Isaac was really sweet the whole ride to Derek's. He always had a calm voice and directed me to the loft with ease. When I finally pulled up to the lot and stepped out of my car, butterflies started swirling around in my stomach.

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