No Connection - Chapter Twenty - Five

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I stood there watching Peter and those beasts escort Hayley away from me. I felt every thing in my body go numb, it was as if time was frozen in this moment. I watched her walk away until she was out of sight, my breathing became unsteady and my eyes teared up, they took her.

I turned on my heel and rushed out the woods, I found myself sprinting all the way to Scott's house. I barged in through the front door, not bothering to knock, there wasn't enough time.

"SCOTT!" I called out to him as my head dead panned the downstairs of his house.

"Isaac?" Allison asked. I hastily walked over to the stairs and saw Allison standing at the top of the stairs. "Isaac, what's going on?" Her voice softly spoke to me.

She quickly descended the stairs, "Where's Scott," I raised my voice at her, feeling the panic rise inside of me.

"Um, he is in his room." She informed me and I sprinted up the stairs taking two at a time. I walked over and pushed his bedroom door open.

"Isaac are you alright?" Scott asked me with a confused look on his face. I stood there trying to regain my breath. Allison walked in and shared the same worried look Scott had.

I took a deep breath as the memory of her being taking away flashed through my mind again, "I was out with Hayley, and we got attacked." I mumbled.

"Are you alright?" Scott asked me.

"Wait, then where is Hayley?" Allison questioned me, I felt the look of guilt wash over my face and watched Allison's expression change to sadness.

"They attacked us and P-Peter took her." I quietly said. I always told her I would protect her and never let anything bad happen to her, but now I broke that promise and her life is in danger because of me.

Allison sat down next to me and rubbed my arm, "Wait Peter?" Scott questioned.

I nodded, "He is the one whose controlling them," I acknowledged.

"I can't believe this, I thought that he was different." Scott sighed. Scott always had this problem he always trusted people too easily, and majority of the time that flaw came back to bite him.

"You honestly thought that, the man who tried to kill you, Derek and others has changed?" Allison asked Scott and he shook his head.

"Guys we have to find her, he could be hurting her." I stated and my eyes fell to the floor.

"We will find her, I promise." Scott reassuringly told me and looked over at Allison who was devastated.

Allison gulped, "I-I can't believe that they took her. We have to find her Scott." Her eyes began to fall.

Scott rushed over and cupped her chin, "We will okay, don't give up hope." His voice spoke, but I could hear his heartbeat speed up knowing he has no idea whether we would be able resuce her or not.

I got up from his bed and walked towards the door, "Do you want to stay here tonight?" Allison asked and sniffed her nose.

I turned around and see her and Scott giving each other weird looks, "Um, uh yeah do you want to stay here?" Scott scratched the back of his head. I had a feeling they were up to something before I arrived, and it probably wasn't just talking.

"It's okay, I can just uh, head to the loft." I pursed my lips together.

"We were going to see Lydia in the morning, she might know how to find her. You might as well sleepover." Allison insisted.

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