Voices - Chapter Ten

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The next week

Ever since I rejected the bite strange things have been happening to me; I keep seeing things. So many times this week my emotions have been toyed with because I've seen Lucy supposedly come back to life. The worst part is somehow she either dies in front of me, or I see a memory of her - either way, it still crushes me every time.

There are other things happening to me as well. I thought that I had hallucinated hearing Scott's thoughts after lunch last week, but I certainly wasn't. The next day as I walked through the halls I could hear everything people were thinking. Not only did I end up with an excruciating headache, but I was also left completely scarred from hearing some of things people thought about during the day.

However, just recently something else has been happening to me. Sometimes I can see through walls. It happened one day at school. I was starring at a wall, completely zoned out, and I saw straight into the girls bathroom. Definitely some images I can't erase from my mind now. I can also see into the future. I have been having these random visions that I have no control over.

The first one I got was when I was coming home from school. I had a vision of my Aunt burning herself with the kettle. Sure enough, later that night when she made tea I saw the same scenario that played in my head replay right before my eyes.

I also had a vision that Stiles would get a flat tire - which he ended up getting. My whole new, whatever the heck I am abilities, is taking its toll on me. I can't control any of it or when it happens and it is driving me insane! I had kept the visions, hearing thoughts and seeing through walls thing to myself, because I thought it was a one time thing, but after they kept reoccurring I figured they weren't.

This morning I decided I was going to tell the group everything, because someone needed to know.  

I was up all last night; my mind a loud mess from the events over the past couple days. Groaning, I decided to get ready for school since my mind was blocking me from sleeping. Aunt Katherine was already off to work. She actually has been spending a lot of time with a certain colleague from her work lately. He had been coming and picking her up in the mornings, which was good because I still didn't know how I was going to explain her missing car.

I woke up, did my makeup and hastily ate my breakfast before making my way to school.

When I arrived, I pulled out my phone and texted, Scott, Stiles, Allison and Lydia to meet me in the English classroom when they arrived.

I was only waiting in the classroom for a limited amount of time before they all rolled in. "Everything alright?" Allison asked me with a raised brow. I cocked my head to the side and gritted my teeth together.

"Well yes and no." I responded. Truthfully speaking I was psychically fine, but mentally my mind was everywhere. "Recently there have been some strange things going on with me and I have no idea what's happening or how to control it." I admitted to them all.

Stiles then got off the desk he was sitting on and walked over to me, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Yeah," Scott agreed.

Lydia walked over by my side and put her arm around me, "Guys, can you all chill she is obviously freaked out. Why don't you tell us what's going on?" She calmly asked me and I took a deep breath.

I began describing to them all the different and strange things that have occurred over the past couple of days. Stiles looked more and more intrigued as I explained everything, he was like a little kid on Christmas. "So you can hear what I'm thinking?" Stiles excitedly grinned and I nodded.

Gaining Control || Isaac LaheyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon