Chapter 32

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"What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists...and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want...and are fully determined not to quit until you get it."

Harry's POV:

I heard Rose's enraged scream before the entire center began to shake violently, the wind flying around angrily. I squinted my eyes, looking over to what was causing this, only to have my eyes widen at the sight before me.

Where Rose was standing just moments ago, was now a pillar of black aura shooting into the sky. I couldn't see her body, all I could see was a hint of a red glow within the chaotic pillar. It was frightening, really, to see this, and to feel the power that was being emitted from this tornado of aura. And the red glow I saw inside wasn't just a was Rose's eyes.

But to know that it is Rose? That's an indescribable feeling in itself. How she is producing this much energy and power is shocking, no one should be able to control this much one creature can normally.

Rose isn't normal though, she's a half-breed. And I know very well how powerful they can be. I think bitterly, watching as the aura disappears, vaporizing into the air and revealing a person that I didn't recognize at first, but I knew that it had to be Rose.

Rose's normally long, wavy strawberry blonde hair was now straight and purplish black, her light blue eyes now shining red and the pendant around her neck was glowing. She slowly looked up, eyeing everyone in the center and I could see the shock on Luke's face at Rose's transformation. Obviously he wasn't expecting this.

I was just as shocked though. I didn't expect her to be able to do this at all. I didn't think that Rose could access her powers, but I guess something triggered it.

"I-it's impossible." Luke gasps and Rose gives him a dastardly smile, one that didn't belong to her. She looked evil right now, the sight of her making me shiver. This isn't Rose...this just isn't her. She isn't an evil person. Just because she transformed...that couldn't make her different, could it?

"Surprise." she says dryly and he glares at her. "You shouldn't be able to do this! How could you possibly manage that?!" he yells and her eyes narrow at him dangerously.

"Shut up you overgrown mutt." she snaps at Luke, her eyes glowing as she begins to walk towards us, the air around her swirling with every step she took. It was almost as if Rose was nature itself, and everything was responding to her will: the gravity, air, ground...everything.

Luke stumbled away from her, still in shock while she came to me, her eyes showing compassion as she knelt down beside me, wiping my face clean of blood.

"You clumsy boy, you got hurt. Don't worry Harry, I'll take it from here." she whispers, smiling at me before standing up, turning around and facing Luke. I guess the old Rose is still there, just hidden away by this power that she has gained. Which is a very relieving thing to know, especially for me.

"You answer to me now." she growls, her voice sounding demonic. All of the demons behind Luke were now staring at her in fear, not sure how to handle her. Her presence alone was terrifying, you could feel the power radiating off of her in waves.

Rose lifted one hand up, directing it at some of the demons behind Luke before her body began to glow red, and my eyes widened as fire appeared in her hand. She blasted it at them, five of the demons getting hit and were sent flying in different directions, burning from the flames. As they screamed, I could see a smirk form on Rose's face before it disappeared, and she turned to face Luke.

"You really think that you can get away with hurting him? You must be a fool to think such a thing." Rose says darkly, her body emitting a dark aura, making everyone take a step back from her. She looks around, looking at everyone in the square. Her head turns back to Luke, and I can see a smile form on her face as she speaks to him.

"Let's begin then, shall we?"

She holds her hands together, and I watch as a dark ball of energy forms in between them. My eyes widen and I can't help but gasp at her. This kind of magic was lost a long time ago!! How could she possibly wield it?

"What are you doing?" Luke shouts fearfully, his eyes just as wide at the sight of the magic between her hands. Rose just laughs, throwing her head back as a demonic sound echoes throughout the streets. At the sound of her laugh, the demons cowered down, scared of her now.

"I'm getting even." she spits, thrusting the black ball straight at Luke. Naturally, he dodges it, but the demons behind him aren't so lucky. The ball of dark energy lands in the middle of them, exploding as soon as it hits the ground.

All of the demons are blown to bits, being thrown to the side as they scream out in pain. Blood flies everywhere and I see Rose laugh as she watches Luke's horrified expression. All of his demons were killed with one hit, being blown away by Rose's hit.

And that is exactly what Rose planned. She must've known that Luke would've dodged it.

"You just sacrificed all of your men, how sad. If you would've taken the hit, maybe not all of them would've died." she sneers at him, and Luke doesn't say a word. I don't think he can right now. He actually looks scared out of his mind right now.

"I will rip everything you care about from your grasp. Just like you tried to do to me." she says to him, putting her hands on her hips as I see Luke's eyes still looking in shock over the traumatic scene before him. He probably doesn't know what to do now.

"Rose, be careful." I warn, and she turns her head, giving me a smile. "Don't you worry about me, Harry." she states, looking back at Luke and then returning her gaze to me.

"He's not getting out of this so easily." she says and I see Luke glare at her. "I-I'm not going to just sit here and let you think that you can beat me! I will finish this!" he yells, holding his arms out and shadows begin flying at Rose, who continues to stare at Luke with a smirk.

She moves her head side to side, her neck popping as if she were preparing for a hit. Seeing her this cocky is shocking, as I watch her eyes light up with power. She puts one arm up, a red shield appearing around her just as the shadows try to grab her.

Luke gasps as the shadows disappear as soon as they hit the shield, withering away. Rose laughs at him, lowering her arm as she stares at him with a big smile. "I don't think you're prepared. You better think quick though." she says, turning towards him and holding her arms up by her side.

They begin to glow with power and fire bursts into her palms, burning in her hands as she faces Luke with a dark smile.

"Because I'm just getting started."

Rose flipped! She's going all out now. What do you think of her new personality with her power? What do you think she's going to do with Luke now that she has this power? Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear it!! Please continue to Comment and Vote!! xx

Darkness Rises-Harry StylesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora