"You know me. There's not much out of my capabilities after dealing with you and raising Trunks. And there's so many shenanigans from the years of running around Goku..."

"I know." Vegeta chuckled. "Seriously, call us for anything. We both miss you. Kakarot needs his friends even if he's scared to let you know everything. And I promise Trunks will come home much more often if I have to kill some of his teachers to make it happen."

"Oh, you don't need to go that far, you crazy saiyan." The blue haired woman smiled at the prince. She turned her attention back to the rest of the group. "You take care of yourselves too, alright? I want you guys to come back in a couple of months for Gohan's party. We'd like to celebrate here too you know!"

"I promise, Bulma." Goku was quick to respond to his surrogate sister. He could see his oldest son was rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment out of the corner of his eye as Tarble questioned when his birthday was. "Father will work on a communication relay to let you know in advance when we are coming."

"Oh! That's a great idea!" Bulma clapped her hands together with a smile on her face. "I should work on one too! I haven't had a side project in awhile."

"Please," Bardock huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "There's no need for you to bother. I'll have that done in a couple of weeks....two months tops."

"Oh really?" Blue eyes narrowed at the green clad saiyan. "It'll take you that long? I'm sure I can get it done in half the time." Bulma placed her hands on her hips as she smirked at the larger man.

"Is that a challenge?" Bardock's brow quirked up with a small feral smile playing on his lips. He liked the fire this woman had.

"Oh boy." Raditz rubbed a hand over his face as the genius pair stared each other down. Goku resisted in joining him as he watched as well. "Kakarot, can't you get her to shut up? Now it'll take both of us to pry him out of his lab."

"He's not that bad." Goku muttered halfheartedly. The long haired warrior only gave the beta a look, and the younger saiyan cringed. "Right....never mind."

"Uh huh. He's still trying to figure out just how those capsule things work." Raditz rolled his eyes skyward. "He almost destroyed a part of his lab when he tried to reverse engineer one that the boys showed him before we came here. I had to physically drag him out so he could sleep."

"Got it." The younger walked up to Bardock and placed a hand on his shoulder, marking the alpha look back at him. "Father, we need to go. Geta needs to get back to the palace, remember?"

"Right." The older man huffed and looked slightly disappointed. He looked back at Bulma. "Three weeks, woman. Be prepared to hand over those propulsion blueprints."

"Humph. I'll call you in two for the formula for your healing tanks, commander." Bulma smiled as she crossed her arms.

Raditz pulled the older alpha away before another disagreement broke out. He was surprised that he managed to do so, but it probably helped that his younger brother was right beside him.

"Bye, you guys, take care!" Krillin shouted while every one waved. Goku smiled back at his friends and shifting Vegito in his arms while Vegeta's arm slipped around his waist in front of the portal. As much as he loved Earth, it wasn't his home anymore.

"Let's go home, Geta."


"What do you mean you're leaving?!" Vegeta all but shouted as he jumped up from the couch. His father had surprised them with this meeting after dinner once the cubs were put to bed for the night. Goku's gentle touch calmed him enough that the prince sat back down. "Explain."

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