Business Day and a Concert Surprise

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(Skip to Playlist they are now at the hotel that Playlist is in)

Zoe's POV

I got up nice and early ready for Playlist live business day! Yay me..haha no. I mean I don't really like this day! it's no fun, I mean I'm so excited for when all put fans will be there, can't wait for the birthday presents, my Birthday is the day after the last day of Playlist! I put on some light washed skinny jeans, One of my own shirts that is purple and says 'doe, ra, mi, fa, soooo sassy', and a leather jacket.

I curled my hair loosely and walked out of the bathroom to a laughing Connor.

"Get that self promo doe"! he yelled/laughed.

"Hey it's cute"! I defended my clothing choice.

I slipped on my black combat boots and we walked out the door.

(Skipping to the end of all the business stuff)

I got back to my hotel room and Connor was acting pretty weird! I was sitting on the bed and Connor sat next to me and handed me an envelope that said Happy Birthday on it, I opened it and saw two VIP tickets to the one direction concert tonight an they are front row!

"Connor how did you get these"!?

"The day they went on sale, it's gonna be me, you, Jack, and Tyler, but only we have VIP"!

"Oh my god, thank you Connor, I love you"! I yelled hugging him and giving him a kiss.

"I love you too, now go get ready"!

I have him one more kiss and went to get ready. I put on these shorts that where bleached so it was white and blue jean, my white 5 seconds of summer shirt that I tucked into the shorts, my infinity directioner necklace, my paper airplane necklace, and my all black converse(outfit on IG(5stylinsonsofsummer). I put on concealer, mascara, a slight wing eyeliner, and a light pink lip stain.

I walked put to see Connor in a nice outfit, I grabbed my phone and we walked out the door and outside to Tyler and Jack waiting like little fangirls! I ran up to Jack and we were talking Fangirl the entire way there!

Me and Connor got to the meet and greet, and we were like first in line.

They took us into the room and the boys came out and everyone was screaming. It was our turn and I said hi to the boy and had like a whole covo with Niall.

Hi Niall, I'm Zoe and this is Connor"!

I said with joy.

"I know I watch both your videos with Mariah"! We both were so shocked.

"Oh my god that means so much"! We yelled.

"No problem she's huge fan of both of you, well let's take that picture"! He said as I went between Niall and Harry, and Connor went and stood next to Louis, we all made really funny faces and poses. After the picture I pulled Niall and Harry in for a hug and slipped something into their pockets and left with 5 words.

"Thanks for saving my life"!

With that she just walked away wow".

The notes I put in their pockets were simple but meant a lot.

Dear Niall and Harry

I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done to my life, I love you so much. My cuts have faded because of you guys!

I know you are busy like 24/7 on tour but could you follow me @ZoeGraceffa

Also follow my friends @thats0jack yes Harry he is the kid who chased you around New York, but he love you guys and couldn't afford this VIP!

All my love, Zoe Graceffa

I really hope they read those notes. We went to sound check and it was awesome we got our stuff and went half outside to see Jack and Tyler talking and waiting for us.

"So how was it"!? Jack asked.

"It was so cool, oh and Niall knows who we are, Harry remembers you Jack"!

"Oh my god"! he said having a Fangirl moment.

It was time for the concert we were front row and when 5SOS performed I screamed cause Ashton waved at me and touched my hand, it felt amazing. After the show I couldn't thank Connor enough. I most likely have him a million kisses! We all got back to the hotel and it was like midnight so I passed out along with Connor!


Outfit from the concert and outfits for the next to days at Playlist will be on my Instagram 5stylinsonsofsummer

Mariah Xx

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