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Zoe's POV

So Connor went home earlier and Joey is as the O2L house filming a video with Ricky.  I decided to go for a walk when someone was at my door...It was Sam.

"Please Zoe hear me out" he pleaded.

"fine come in" he walking and I closed the door.

"Zoe I love you"

"well I love Connor an plus you have Acacia"

"so I want you"

"after what you did I don't even want to be talking to you"

"I am sorry I was just jealous"

"so you still did it and I don't even like you back"

"well you will now" he said moving closer to me.

"OH HELL NAH" I yelled as I pushed Sam across the room.  I may have showed off and did a back flip to get to him.

"so you gonna leave me alone" I said with my sass.

"for now" he said getting up and leaving.

As he left Reagan walked through the door.

"that was crazy this pic is going on twitter" she said showing me doing a back flip in the air.

"hey gymnastics come in handy" we laughed.

"so you wanna come to Megan's house with me I have to do a collab with her" I offered and she decided to come with me so we got in my car and went to Megan's.

"Hey Megan what are we cooking today"

"um well  got this recipe for Totoro cookies'


We got in front of the camera and Reagan sat on a couch.

"Hey Burries today I am here with Zoe Graceffa"

"Hey sexy people" we laughed at my greeting then got to cooking.


"OH MY GAWD these are so good" I said taking a bite of the cookie. We ended the video and I said bye.  Me and Regan were gonna go have a lazy day at my place.  We got to my place and put on pjs. I had my batman tank and pajama pants and Reagan borrowed my superman ones.

"Ok so we are gonna watch Nightmare Before Christmas, Perks Of Being A Wallflower, This Is Us, and Peter Pan". I yelled to Reagan while getting chips and soda.

We got all the pillows and blankets perfect and sat on the couch/floor.  We just sat there watching all the movies off of Netflix.  Joey got home and he joined us, I love my brother you could do all this fun girly stuff with him and he doesn't mind it. We spent all night watching movies until we were all asleep on the living room floor.

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