2. LAX reunion

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I was watching the boys perform on the Today Show as I packed some things for when I leave to L.A tomorrow. Zayn looked so antsy performing. That was something I love watching him do, is perform. He's always so captivated by the music and so in tune with the audience. All the boys were, but Zayn was different. He had a different sparkle in his eyes than all the other boys.

There was a gentle knock at my door. "Come in." I said. My eyes were still glued to the tv as I folded a shirt in my hand. "Thank you for having us!" Harry said into his microphone after the performance. The camera panned in on Zayn who kissed both his hands, and then tossed the kiss to the air. "You miss him?" My mom said. I finally looked over, and she was standing beside me. I sadly smiled, with a small nod. "Yeah." I said. She looked at me. "Why don't you sound that excited?" I tossed a pair of jean shorts into my duffle bag limply. "I am excited. I'm just not excited about leaving." I truthfully said, folding a black crop top with a white skull in the middle. My mom rubbed my back. "Did I ever tell you about your father and I?" I looked at her and then shrugged, drawing my attention back to my clothing. My mother and my father have collectively told me stories, upon stories, so how am I to know if I heard this one yet?

"This ones about when your dad was traveling in his band?" She said, trying to jog my memory. I shook my head, "No," if I did hear this story, I blanked it out trying to make room for the thousands of others. "Well, your father was in his little band and they did shows all around Florida, and he was doing a ton of shows in one city, and that lasted for maybe a month, and I was so sad about it, but he gave me the best gift when I was in JacksonVille." I raised an eyebrow walking over to my dresser and grabbing my small carry on perfume. "What was the gift?" I asked.

"Conceiving you!" My mom grinned widely. I stared at her with a blank expression and blinked my eyes rapidly. "That was the best gift I could ever ask for, and then if course once we were all settled came my two other beautiful gifts," She said referring to Chris and Taylor. I placed my hand over my mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick." I said. My mom laughed, and playfully slapped my arm. "Really though, how does that relate to what I'm going through?"

I asked. "Are you implying I'm going to go visit Zayn and come back pregnant?" My mom stared at me wide eyed.

"Heavens no Lauren! I am simply saying that yes it will be sad that you have to leave, but you'll come back with memories that will get you through." I raised an eyebrow. Sure, her little metaphor was somewhat helpful but it wasn't exactly going to heal my insecurities. I just hoped when I got there, these strange feelings I was having would vanish into thin air.

My door was pushed open and in walked Taylor. "Mom, can you take me to Katie's?" I nodded rapidly.

"Yes, please go!" I pleaded, giving her a gentle push. Taylor stared confused. "She's telling me where I was conceived." I said. Taylor made a convincing gagging sound and I laughed. "You guys don't think that's beautiful?" My mom asked as she followed Taylor out of the door. I irritatedly walked over and slammed the open door shut. That was one of my many pet peeves. I walked over to my phone and texted Zayn, "You guys rocked up there! So proud of you! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! xoxo(:"


I made finishing touches on my surprise for Lauren, and I was so excited for her to see everything. I just hoped she loves it as much as I hope she will. "Are you getting a bouquet for Camila and Normani too?" Liam asked. I stared at the bouquets of red and pink roses I had in the small cart. "Should I? Do you think it'd be rude if I only got some for Lauren and not the girls?" Louis laughed as he pulled the roses from my small push cart and transfered them back to the shelves where mists of water were keeping them alive. "You're over thinking this. You're acting like this is your first time seeing her... ever. Take a deep breath and relax." I nodded, it's been two and a half months since I've seen Lauren and I was going through withdraw. I miss the way her lips felt against mine. I sighed thinking about it, but then I smiled because in no more than fifteen minutes her plane should be landing and I should be having the feeling of those lips crashing against mine.

"Doesn't she think just a single rose is romantic?" Liam asked. I nodded. "So I should just get her one, right." I grabbed a single rose and headed up to the check out counter. We were in the airport, and the paparazzi were hanging about inside. This needs to be illegal. It's sickening, I can't even have a genuine reunion knowing that the paparazzi are going to be selling our personal moment to tabloids. After I swiped my card, and thanked the woman, our security called Paul and James asked if we were ready. We nodded, and followed them out. Paul led the way, while James watched our backs.

I was leaning against a pillar, nervously tapping my feet, partially because I was anxious and irritated. Anxious, because I was going to see my girlfriend after almost three months. Irritated, because the paparrazzi don't give you any space. I am going to spazz out on them one day, and then they can enjoy the press that gets. Management won't enjoy it much, but atleast I'll feel somewhat fulfilled. "Hey Louis are you guys waiting for Lauren?!" Louis made a face as the paparrazzi shouted at him, and he took a step toward Paul. "Zayn! Zayn! I saw on twitter you said you were excited for today! Is that about Lauren?" I ignored them and the rapid tapping of my foot got even more noticeable. James walked up to them. "Alright you guys need to go away, or there will be consequences." James calmly shooed them away a few feet away because they weren't budging any further than that. "We just got our things, trying to find you.(:" That is what the text I just got from Lauren said. I grinned. "She's here somewhere!" I exclaimed.

I started to look around past heads. Fans walked up to me and then boys asking for pictures, of course we agreed to it. Through the crowd I heard a laugh that stood out amongst the rest. A childish, powerful laugh. Lauren. I spotted Camila and Normani and right behind them was Lauren. She looked simply beautiful.


Camila tugged on my arm, "There he is!" She exclaimed. I looked up, and there Zayn stood with two muscular security guards, Louis and Liam. He had a single red rose in his hand. I love when he did that! I could feel my stomach twist up and flutters start to emerge inside. It feels like I was seeing him again for the first time after our break up, when we got set up at the beach. I dropped my dufflebag and it fell to the tile floor with a THUD! "Yes girl, you better get cho' man!" Normani clapped. Camila started to fist pump beside her as I ran toward Zayn.

He had his arms extended toward me and and I threw my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. The flashing lights from the paparrazzi cameras didn't stop the sudden adrenaline rush I was feeling. Paul and James tried to block the area around us as best as possible. Louis, Liam, Camila and Normani as well. We were in the center of a people forcefield. "I've missed you so fucking much!" Zayn said after our lips crashed together in a passionate kiss. "I love you." He said. I kissed his lips softly, and smiled. "I love you too." He smiled as he stared at me. "I'm sorry about the paparazzi." He apologized. I shrugged. I should be used to it, but I just wasn't. I don't think I'll ever be. Zayn kissed my forehead and slowly lowered me to my feet. "You guys ready to head out?" James asked, turning his head. I nodded, wrapping my fingers in Zayn's. I forgot how comforting this felt. I used my free hand to lower my sunglasses onto the bridge of my nose and we followed closely beside Paul and the others as James led us out.


"Move or be moved!" James shouted at the crowds of people before us. A mixture of paparazzi with their flashing lights, and then their were the passerbys. Everything was obnoxiously loud as usual. I looked down at Lauren, she had her head down, and her free hand was squeezing my arm that was holding her hand. Her hands were always so soft. "Zayn? When'd you guys get back together!"

"Stop and give us a kiss will you?!"

"Lauren! Zayn's mine!" I ignored everyone, and I can tell Lauren was trying her best to ignore everything that was being shouted in our direction as we manuevered our way to the car. I gave Lauren's hand a squeeze. It was something we both found ourselves habitually doing when we felt overwhelmed, or just needed a bit of comforting. She looked over to me and smiled briefly. How'd I get so lucky?

Give Me Love. Sequel to Nobody ComparesWhere stories live. Discover now