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[ Yoongi's Point of View ]

There were so many thoughts, questions and emotions running through my head.

What  just happened ? This can't be real. Why did she just leave ? What did I do wrong ?  I'm so confused, angry and hurt. Why now ?  Where did she go ?

Bangtan guided me back to the dorm while I was crying. As soon as I was inside, I knocked everything in my sight down whilst screaming "why ?!"

"WHY ?! WHY THE FUCKKK ??" I screamed, knocking down a picture frame with [Y/N] and I in it. 

"WHY WHAT AGUST ? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED ??" Rapmon said, shaking me by my shoulders. I just continued to break things as I was still frustrated. Jimin and V grabbed me by my arms and dragged me to the couch to make me calm down.

"Agust, chill for a fucking second and tell us what happened." Jin eomma said.

"[Y/N] ... She .. left" I managed to say between sobs. The group looked at me, confused.

"Hyung, what do you mean she left ?" Jungkook asked.


"What ??" They said in unison, giving me a more puzzled look.

"Explain everything, Agust." Rapmon said, handing me a bottle of soju to numb my pain a little.

"I came home after she called me, she was sitting in her room crying, I asked her if something was wrong, and she said she can't do this anymore and that we should break up." I said, taking a long sip from the bottle.

"What the fuck ?" She just said that out of nowhere ?" Rapmon asked. I nodded, taking another sip.

"Then I asked her why and she got up to leave. I tried to stop her but she said everything will be better if I let her go and then she grabbed her bag and ran off. I don't know where she is now."

"We need to find her, hyung !" Jimin exclaimed. "Where could she be ?"

"I don't fucking know. I just want her to come back." I said, chugging more of the alcohol while a tear fell from my eye.

"She could be back at your old place !" "Or her parents house !" The group suggested.

"Let's go find her. Rapmon, Jimin, you go to their old appartment. Jungkookie, V, you go to her parents' house. I'll check around the area here by the dorm. J-hope, stay here and cheer Agust up (a/n: I LOVE YOONSEOK OK) and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Jin ordered.

They all nodded and began to head out. "Don't worry man, we'll find her." Rapmon said, patting my shoulder. 

I just wanted to die.

The rest of Bangtan left, leaving me with cheery J-hope.

"C'mon Hyung ! They'll bring her back !! Don't be sad !!!" He said happily, doing a little dance to amuse me (which didn't work).


"Yeah, Hyung ?"

"Just leave me here to die" I said monotonously.

"Hyunggggg !! Don't say things like that !!" He whined. "I think someone needs a hug"

"N-No, don't touch m– and you're hugging me. Okay then." I said, being interrupted by him embracing me.

"Hobi ?"

"Yeah, Hyung ?"

"What if they don't find her ?" I said, with worry in my voice.

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