이십 삼

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[ yoongi's point of view ]

Today marks the one year 'anniversary' since [Y/N] left. This past year I have felt nothing but misery. With her leaving and pretending to date Jessica, my life was a living hell. I was constantly tired of speaking nicely about her in interviews, giving her kisses instead of [Y/N] and pretending to be happy when I'm not. I began burning again a couple of months after she left and have been doing it ever since. The pain and sadness was too much to bare, I needed a release. Bangtan and Jessica don't know I've been doing this. 

Tonight would be another miserable night. We were all headed to an award show and I had to stay by Jessica's side. We stood together on the red carpet and she made me hold her close. All of this reminded me of when I took [Y/N] to an award show for the first time and how beautiful she looked and how happy I was for her to be beside me. I clenched my jaw, trying to fight back tears as the memories hit me.

Jessica placed soft kisses on my cheek as we posed for the cameras and it made me feel sick to my stomach. I despised her with a passion. It was sickening to have her always kissing me. I missed [Y/N] even more than usual tonight. Although it was nice having someone to keep me company, it wasn't the same as being with [Y/N].

After posing for the cameras, we headed to the interview section before heading to our seats.

"Agust-ssi ! Jessica-ssi ! Over here !" An interviewer called us. "Annyeong ! You two look great tonight !" 

"Ahh thank you, but it's Agust Oppa who looks especially great !" Jessica said in a loving tone. The way she called me oppa made me want to throw up. Who said this bitch can call me that ? That's only for [Y/N] to call me.

"Oh, no it's you who looks great, Jagi" I lied, giving a fake smile.

"Awh, so sweet" The interviewer commented. "So will we be seeing a collaboration with BTS & REBELLE soon ?" 

"Maybe .." Jessica teased. " You never know what the future holds."

"Ahh, okay. Thank you both for your time ! We will anticipate both of your groups' performances !" The interviewer said.

"Thank you !" We said in unison, bowing. 

As we exited the interviewing section, Jessica grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I rolled my eyes and muttered "bitch" under my breath.

"You're really enjoying tormenting me aren't you ?" I asked in a low tone.

"Oh am I tormenting you ? I'm just following Bang PD-nim's orders." She said smiling. This fucking bitch. She knows this is painful for me and she continues to go with it. 

 [ end of yoongi's point of view ]


"Oppaaaa not nowww I'm cooking" I whined and giggled as Jae was leaving soft kisses on my neck as I was making us dinner. 

"Fine, we'll continue this later" He teased. 

The past few months have been good between us. I always had fun with him and he's showed me that he's changed. Although it was nice having someone to keep me company, I must admit that it wasn't the same as being with Yoongi. Earlier today I checked my phone and saw that it was July 18th. It's been exactly one year since I left my old love and life behind. A lot has happened since then. I always contemplate if leaving was really for the better. 

Sometimes I think to myself if this was a good idea, being with Jae again. It was probably just my past trust issues and self doubt kicking in whenever I thought about that. 

"I'm happy now. Nothing's wrong. Stop doubting this relationship." I would think to myself afterwards.

"I'm happy."

a/n :

tbh yoonseok's fictional relationship is more alive than y/n and yoongi's lmaooo
ps dw everything will get better soon be patient my bbys

~ jazunyan

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