forty three

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Noelle's POV

"Why can't I ride with you guys? You're being so fucking unfair. We don't have to take three cars for six people Caspian, try being reasonable," I huffed into the phone and frowned even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Did you forget about the luggage Roselle? I know everybody is gonna bring shit ton of things so we need more space for that and that's why we're taking three different cars. Stop whining like a baby and accept it. What's bothering you anyway? Stephen?" I could hear the smirk in his voice and I rolled my eyes.

"What's bothering me is your annoying ass with your unreasonable decisions," I grumbled and spread out on the couch.

"So it has nothing to do with you and Stephen being in a car for almost 2 hours?" he inquired almost too proudly and I wish I could knock his front teeth out.

"No it doesn't, at least Stephen is better company than you," I replied sarcastically.

"Say whatever you want but I know you love me," he chuckled, "Anyway we're not changing the plans at the end moment. Kathy and Aaron are driving together, Blake and I are taking his car and Stephen will pick you up in a little bit. You can show him the directions and catch up on the things you missed while you ignored him for weeks," he laughed towards the end and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I hate you so much," I said sweetly while mentally cursing at him.

"I love you too," he hollered right before he hung up and I blew out a breath, throwing my phone down beside me and waiting for Stephen to arrive.

We decided, well it was more of Caspian who decided everything to be honest, to drive out to the cabin today so we'd reach at least by late evening. Everybody could get settled tonight and then tomorrow which was Saturday, we were probably gonna go for a hike and sit by the lake or whatever. We planned on leaving Sunday afternoon so that everybody could manage work once the week started.

I had gone to my office a couple of days ago to check up on everything and to make sure that the bitchy client wasn't causing any more problems than she already had. Everything seemed alright to me which was a great thing because I was really looking forward to this mini vacation and all I wanted to do was just relax. I had nothing to stress about and that made me extremely happy.

I had already packed my bag for the weekend and now all I had to do was wait for Stephen to pick me up so that we could be on the road for almost 2 hours. I honestly didn't mind going with Stephen but what bothered me was the fact that Caspian kept trying to push me towards him even when he knew that I wasn't really all for it. I don't know why but he wanted me to just spend more time with Stephen.

I sighed heavily, bored out of my mind, Stephen was definitely taking his time. I moved around on my couch, trying to get into a comfortable position and I closed my eyes once I was satisfied.

My thoughts went to the last time we had been to the cabin, it had been so long and I really missed it. I was glad that this time it was going to be all of us, Kathy, Blake, Caspian and of course Stephen and Aaron too. It was going to be fun and I wasn't gonna let anything ruin it for me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing beside me. I reached out my hand to grab it and answered the call once I saw who it was.

"I'm here," his deep voice called out through the speaker and I sat up on the couch, "Do you need me to come up and help you with your bags?" he questioned and I quickly shook my head.

"No it's fine. I can manage, I'll be down in a minute," I hung up after I heard him murmer a small okay and walked towards the main door of my apartment. I gathered my medium sized backpack from the floor and took my purse and keys before locking the door and making my way to the elevator. I quickly made it down to the ground floor and exited the building, looking for Stephen's car.

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