thirty two

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"Asshole, why didn't you tell me?" I glared at the book that was lying beside me on my bed. I wish I could glare at him.

"Tell you what?" he asked innocently through the phone. I rolled my eyes.

"That there's a huge celebration tomorrow night because you're finally taking over the company. When were you gonna tell me?" I accused.

It was such a big deal and he hadn't even mentioned it once even though we had spent almost the entire day together. I got to know when I went to see Kenneth earlier today, he was the one who told me about it. That's the reason why he came to visit actually, he had good relations with Uncle Xavier and of course he would come to show his support. Everyone knew about it. Kathy, Blake and even Caspian was aware but me on the other hand, I had no fucking idea.

"I was gonna surprise you. You didn't have faith in my ability to handle the company anyway," he laughed.

"That's not true, I was just messing with you back then. I knew you could do it, I had no doubts," I said sincerely.

"Well are you gonna come?" he asked hopefully.

I turned to my side on my bed, burying my face into a pillow. "Of course. Everyone's gonna be so proud of you Stephen, especially your Dad," I spoke in a low voice.

"I hope so. I'm finally doing what he wanted me to do all along. My family is gonna be there. Dad, Mum, Sarah and maybe some other relatives too, I'm not quite sure," he explained.

"Well it is a huge thing, I wouldn't be surprised if you're occupied with people the whole night. It's your day tomorrow," I smiled happily. I was extremely happy for him. I knew he wanted to make his Dad proud, his validation mattered to him.

"I'm kinda nervous," he laughed.

"Don't be. You're gonna be great, I promise," I assured him and yawned in the process.

"You're sleepy. Did you take your pills?" he questioned.

"Not today. I don't take them every single day," I spoke in a slow voice. I was actually really sleepy and it was quite surprising.

"Oh alright. Go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow," I heard some shuffling on the other side.

"Yeah sure. Good night," I managed to mumble.

"Good night Rose," his soft voice echoed before he hung up and I put my phone down.

I shut off the lights and pulled the sheets closer to me, nestling into the pillows. My mind didn't have the time to overthink or fret over anything because as soon as my eyes closed, I was fast asleep.


"Are you sure?" I asked Kathy while looking at myself in the mirror. She had decided to drag me out to buy an outfit for tonight's huge event. I had told her that I already had a gown that I was planning to wear but she wasn't having it. She wanted me to buy a new one and spend my money.

"Of course I am. This color looks great on you plus it's Versace. You can never go wrong with Versace," she said dreamily. I rolled my eyes, I did like Versace's collection, especially their perfumes but she was taking it over the top.

I looked back at myself in the mirror. It was a deep plum evening gown that had a plunging neckline which revealed a little bit of my cleavage and an absolutely beautiful back detail. There was a long slit on one side that ran up till my mid thigh, showing off my legs. The dress was beautiful and I loved it but I wasn't really sure. Not because I didn't think I could pull it off, confidence was never the problem with me, I knew I looked good. It fit perfectly, hugging all my curves and showing off my body but it was the color that was the problem.

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