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I entered Kathy's room to find her laying on her bed and watching TV. She looked so calm and relaxed while I was anything but. She looked up and raised her eyebrows.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. What happened with that hunk?" she switched her gaze back to the TV.

I walked to her bed and sat down, looking at my hands while bouncing my leg on the floor. I was so jittery and I knew exactly why. I had to tell her.

"He called me Rose," I looked at her.

It didn't seem to register in her mind right away but after a couple of seconds her eyes widened, her mouth fell open and I could tell she was struggling to breathe. She just stared at me. I knew what she was thinking. We both were scared. For me.

"Did I hear correctly?" She seemed unsure of herself and I wish it wasn't true but things aren't always pretty.

I nodded my head and looked at the TV which was still on.

"I don't know what I'm going to do. What if he-- oh god," I buried my face in my hands and closed my eyes.

I felt Katherine move closer to where I was sitting on the other side of her bed. She caressed my back and leaned her head on my shoulder. She had no idea how much I appreciated that right now.

"How could he possibly know? No one's aware of your middle name except for some close people," she wondered out loud.

"I have no idea I mean he probably might have found out through his Uncle or something but we can't take chances you know," I sighed.

She nodded her head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"You should talk to Blake," she said before turning the TV off because neither of us were watching it anymore.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Blake's number. It rang a couple of times before I finally heard his voice on the other side.

"Hey what's up? Did you get my text?" he asked.

Damn I had completely forgotten to check his text after my meeting with Uncle Xavier. I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes.

"I did but I haven't read it yet. Look I need to talk to you about something important. Can you do a profile check on Stephen Hendry, he's Mr. Walker's nephew and that son of a bitch called me Rose today. I have no idea how he knows and I'm so scared Blake. You need to find out if he's involved with anything or not. I don't wanna take any chances you know he literally lives right across the hall from Kathy and he could be dangerous I really don't know. You need to help me out," I rambled.

"Hey hey take it easy, don't worry alright I'll search him up right away. Stephen Hendry, was it?" he asked soothingly.

"Yeah that's his name. Wait, he doesn't use his last name though. Don't you think that's suspicious? His full name is Stephen James Hendry, he uses his middle name instead. It's so weird," I spoke really fast.

"Alright I'm checking his background right now but listen to me, I want you to calm down okay nothing's gonna happen to you. I'm here to protect you, now read my text and wait till I call you back. Where are you right now?" he questioned.

"I'm at Kathy's," I said quietly.

"Okay both of you stay inside and don't open that goddamn door, keep it locked no matter what. I'll call you back in a little bit and you'll be okay Noelle I won't let anything happen to you. You understand?" he said firmly.

"Yeah I know, I'll wait for your call," I said.

"Kay bye," he said before hanging up.

Talking to Blake definitely made me feel better. He always knew what to say and how to calm me down. He was a lawyer and a really great one at that. He had some friends who were detectives and investigators and he also had some good contacts in the police department. He could easily do a profile check on someone and see all of their records. He worked at a well known law firm and he was one of the top lawyers in the state. You could say both of my best friends were doing quite well.

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