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Blake and I entered the bar together and immediately I was hit with the strong smell of smoke and sweat.

I looked around to see that there were people sitting on stools at the bar with glasses of alcohol in front of them. The place was deficient of light although I could make out things quite properly. There were billiard tables in one corner and booths in the other. There were people literally everywhere. I had no idea how Blake was gonna find this Trevor guy in here. It would be difficult.

"Found him," I heard Blake speak from right beside me.

Never mind then.

He eyed to one of the booths where a guy with dirty clothes sat. He had his eyes set down and had a huge glass of beer in front of him. I couldn't properly see him because well, the lack of light and also his long greasy hair partially covered his face. He had some muscle on his body but honestly I could punch him to a pulp. The guy sat there quietly, not even moving an inch. I was guessing he was probably stoned.

Blake lead me towards that booth and stood right next to where this Trevor guy was sitting. As soon as we reached the table, the guys head snapped up and he raised an eyebrow at us, yeah I wanted to rip his eyebrow off.

"You don't seem to know a Trevor by any chance, do you?" Blake asked the guy sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. Couldn't he just get right to the point?

Before I could say anything, the Trevor guy got up and scrambled towards the back door of the bar. Honestly I wanted to laugh my ass off. First of all, that guy was shorter than me, I just found it very amusing. Also, he probably thought that he was gonna get away from us but he was doing a really shitty job at running away.

My assumption of him being drunk was proved right when I saw him stumbling and falling all over the place.

Blake shook his head before going over to the guy and pulling him by his shirt. I followed the two guys and we ended up in an alley right outside the back door of the bar.

Blake shoved the Trevor guy against the wall and pinned him there. "You're gonna tell us who you work for," Blake said sternly. I don't know why he was wasting time with questions that we already knew the answers of.

The Trevor guy shook his head while trying to laugh. He failed. What an idiot.

"Just because I'm slightly drunk doesn't mean you can get whatever information you need out of me. Do whatever you want, I'm not telling you shit," he spit in a rough voice.

He forcefully shoved Blake off of him and was about to bolt again but immediately I retrieved my gun from the waistband of my jeans, pulled the safety trigger back and shot him in his left calf, avoiding his knee. As soon as the bullet left the barrel of the gun, there was a loud explosion.

The Trevor guy cried out loud and immediately fell to his knees, cursing like a sailor. Blood started gushing out of his wound and I could tell his breathing was strained. He wouldn't die though, I made sure of that. Although the wound will definitely keep him from running now. Dumbass.

"Noelle are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck did you just do? I told you not to do anything crazy," Blake went all out and screeched.

"Jesus Christ, will you calm down? I've got it," I tried to assure him while walking towards the Trevor guy who was sprawled across the narrow alley.

"Yeah? And what are we gonna tell Sam when he sees a big ass wound on this dicks leg?" he countered while moving and standing next to me, both of us towering over the Trevor guy.

"You're a lawyer for fucks sake, think of something," I looked at him and shook my head. "Just tell Sam that he tried to attack me and to defend myself, I shot him in the leg. Plus, even if we tell Sam the truth it wouldn't matter because as long as he gets to arrest this douche, I don't think he'll mind. We are doing him a big help after all," I tried to explain Blake.

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