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Stephen's POV

I locked the suite I was currently staying in and made my way to the elevator when I realized that my shoelaces were undone. I bent down to tie them up and was about to start walking again when someone crashed into me. It didn't affect me at all but I could see the girl trying to regain her balance, she looked young and was easy on the eyes. She had long brown hair along with dark brown eyes and she was just a little shorter than me. She looked fit and had striking features. Not that bad, I'll give her that.

After she composed herself, she looked me straight in the eye and apologized.

I was surprised to say the least. She looked so confident while she fixed me with an unwavering stare. She didn't seem bothered by my tattoos and piercings. Usually people would approach me with caution because I was told I looked intimidating and I could always see a little distaste in people's eyes but not with her. Either she hadn't noticed me at all or she was completely unaffected by it. Whatever it was, I appreciated it.

I told her it wasn't her fault and asked if she was alright because she did seem to loose her footing back there. She assured me that she was okay and went on to see if I was fine. Honestly I would have laughed but I didn't want to seem rude so I just nodded and apologized. She nodded her head and started walking to the elevator as I followed behind. The doors were about to close when I stepped in.

I stood in the left corner and looked at her to see that she was engrossed in her phone. I put my hands in my pocket and waited. As soon as the doors opened, she walked out and was soon out of my sight as she exited the hotel. I took the same path but at my own pace.

As I finally made it outside the hotel, I saw the same girl getting into a car and not just any car. It was a fucking Range Rover. How a young girl like her could afford a car like that, I had no idea. She looked at least around 23 or so. Maybe she was just a spoiled brat who still spent her fathers money on everything. Ridiculous.

I made my way to the taxi that I had called and settled into the back seat, letting the driver know where I needed to go. I took my phone out and texted my Uncle telling him that I would be there in less than an hour.

I was visiting my Uncle at his office and also some of my friends that were here for a couple of days. My Uncle was a big entrepreneur so of course his office had a bar in it so we all were just gonna catch up and drink. If I remember correctly, my Uncle had an important meeting but would join us later on. Surprisingly, he got along quite well with all my friends.

It got pretty boring just sitting there in the taxi so I pulled my headphones out and started listening to music. After being stuck in traffic for a good 20 minutes and looking out at everything passing by, we finally reached the tall building after 40 minutes. I paid the driver and climbed out of the taxi. I stretched my limbs while watching people walk in and out of the building and finally made my way to the entrance.


Noelle's POV

I made my way to my room, the shower more specifically, I reeked of sweat. My morning run was definitely successful but all I wanted right now was a nice cold shower.

Today had been pretty eventful already and the day hadn't even completely started for me. What with that guy in Kathy's bed and that strange man in the elevator. It was a bit crazy and weird.

I jumped into the shower and washed my body thoroughly. I was always a lazy person when it came to washing my hair but today it had to be done because I had a meeting in the afternoon plus my hair looked super greasy. Not pretty, I know. But when you workout every single day while sweating like a pig, washing your hair becomes more of a chore especially if it's as long as mine. The struggles girls need to face, I tell you.

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