twenty nine

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Stephen's POV

I sat on a couch in Kathy's suite while the siblings argued over which movie we should watch.

Kathy was hell bent on watching a horror movie while Caspian wanted some comedy or action. I didn't speak a word as I watched them amusedly.

It was quite funny to be honest. I could tell Caspian was arguing just for the sake of it, he loved his sister and Rose. He seemed like a nice guy to me and I didn't mind hanging out with him and the girls.

"Could you guys ever stop arguing? For fucks sake, you're not teenagers anymore," Rose walked out from one of the rooms and huffed. She sat down next to Kathy on the floor and then turned to me.

"You could've stopped them, you know," she glared at me while I just shrugged.

She pushed her hair out of her face and then turned to Caspian, "What the fuck were you guys arguing about? If it was about the movie, it's gonna be a horror one, you know that's the deal," she spoke in a stern voice.

"What's the deal?" I asked casually with a confused expression on my face.

"Whenever we watch movies, it's always 2 horror ones and then 1 action or comedy. Caspian's too scared to watch scary shit that's why he always argues," Kathy rolled her eyes.

"Hey that's not true at all and you know it. You guys are fucking obsessed with horror shit and it gets annoying," Caspian accused.

Before the siblings argued more, Rose broke in, "Can you both please stop? I'm gonna have a headache. We're watching House Of Wax right now, you guys can pick whatever you want later on," she rubbed her temples and sighed, "I think I'm hungry."

"Are you alright?" Kathy inched closer to Rose and rubbed her back.

She nodded her head, "I'm fine." She didn't really sound all that convincing.

Caspian stood up from the couch and pulled Rose up, "Roselle and I are gonna go get the popcorn and some other snacks. You guys set the movie up," he said before dragging Rose behind him into the kitchen.

Kathy still wore that worried expression on her face but got up to get the disc anyway.

"She's gonna be fine, you're worrying too much," I told her while she turned the television on and messed around with the remote.

She walked back over to me and sat down, facing me. "You aren't aware about things that's why you're saying that. If you knew as much as I did trust me, you'd be worried sick too," she spoke softly.

"She told me," I blurted out without thinking.

Kathy scrunched up her forehead and looked at me quizzically, "What did she tell you?"

I cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable. Why did I have to blurt that out? "She told me about her mother and what happened 11 years ago," I answered while looking behind me into the kitchen.

Caspian wore a serious expression on his face and looked like he was asking Rose about something while she just nodded her head at him. He went on and kept speaking but I couldn't make out what it was.

"That's what they're talking about right now," Kathy's voice interrupted me and I snapped my gaze back to her. "That's why Caspian dragged her with him. I'm pretty sure that's why he came to visit considering what it was yesterday. There's so many people who worry about her and she knows that but she can be so reckless sometimes, it's scary. She's got me, Caspian and Blake worried sick half the time but she never talks. It's hard to understand her and you basically have to force things out of her," she explained and sighed.

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