thirty six

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"Let me go just grab my phone and keys," I told Rose while she leaned against the door on the ground floor that led outside.

"We're going in your car?" she questioned and raised an eyebrow at me.

The way she was standing and talking made it seem like all the confidence had returned to her and the whole talk we had on the roof didn't happen at all. I don't know how she did it, going from talking about all deep things and being vulnerable to just being her sassy and confident self in such a short time. It was astonishing.

"Yeah unless you wanna go in yours and drive," I answered while smirking. I had come to realize that she didn't really like driving all that much even though she loved her cars.

"Nah I'm good," she shook her head and I nodded, going back to the elevator to get my shit.

Before I could, I heard her speak again. "Did you lock the door when you came to the roof?"

"Yeah I did," I turned back to her and replied.

"Where's the key then?" she asked. What? There was a key?

"Shit I didn't know there was a key, I mean I did but I thought you had the security code too. What are--," she laughed and cut me off.

"Calm down. I'm just messing with you. You don't need the key, there's a security code," she smiled and her eyes danced with amusement.

"You little shit," I walked towards her and she laughed again. It felt so good to see her smiling and laughing. I didn't like seeing her sad and upset, it broke my heart.

"Yeah you can get back at me later. Right now I'm hungry and you need to go and get your keys," she pushed against my chest and I huffed.

"Fine," I turned around and went back to the elevator.

"Stephen," she called and I turned my head to look at her, "Do you know the security code?"

"No but I'm planning to break the door down in order to get my keys," I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. "What is it?" I asked.

Was she actually gonna tell me? I mean she was all about her space and privacy so I really don't think that she was gonna tell me how to get into her fucking house.

"I'm gonna tell you but I swear to god if you ever take advantage of it, I'm gonna smash your face in," she said warningly and I nodded my head, "It's 2450895."

"Alright," I finally got into the elevator and waited till it reached her floor. I quickly walked out once the steel doors opened and made my way to her front door. I put in the code that she had told me and the door immediately unlocked. I moved inside and retrieved my phone and keys from her room before making my way back down again.

"Let's go, stinky," I teased her as I moved around her to get out of her apartment building and laughed at the disgusted expression that she made because of my comment.

"Bullshit. I do not stink," she said firmly while walking behind me and lightly smacking my arm.

I smiled and shook my head. She was remarkable. I don't know what it was about her but everytime she was around I couldn't help but feel happy and complete. It was a weird feeling but I knew it was there and it was because of her. I was falling for her. Hard.

"I feel like I haven't eaten in ages," Rose grumbled as she got into the passenger seat of my car.

"Still I'm pretty sure you'll end up eating less than me," I smirked at her while turning the engine on. The car buzzed to life and I pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards the cafe.

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