9. Fuko's Talent is Breaking Things

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"Can I see?" Nino asked.

"Sure," Paws handed Nino the sheet and then looked at me, "So how much do you know? Could you help us?"

"No, I can't. I clearly didn't just totally clarify everything for you or give you an awesome chart on conversions and which unit pertains to what," then on a softer note upon seeing Paws' annoyed face, "I got straight twenties in the class."

Both Paws and Nino gaped at me.

"I thought teachers never gave out twenties!" Nino exclaimed.

"Do you think you could tutor us in it?" Paws asked, "Or maybe help us with our homework?"

I shrugged, "I can tutor you in anything."

Paws and Nino exchanged glances excitedly, "Can you help us now? Or do you have to work?" Paws asked.

I pulled up a chair from the side and sat down at the head of the table, "There's not much to do right now but make sure nobody burns down the library or decides to play dominoes with the shelves."

"Thank you!" Paws smiled broadly.

"Let's go back to question one then," I told them, "Show me what you did." Me and my brother used to be the Go-To people for help on various school subjects when I was younger. Tutoring was very familiar to me. Granted I've never tutored anyone without him before and I'll admit, the idea of trying to help Paws and Nino without my brother was rather terrifying. But now that I was doing it, it actually felt... Nice.

I could easily imagine what he'd be saying right now. He was such a goof ball! I wouldn't be caught dead saying those things now.

Now that the explaining was done, I sat back and watched Nino and Paws work on the homework excitedly, now that they knew what the heck was going on. Everytime they found an answer, they both looked over to me with big begging eyes, asking me if it was right.

By the fifth question I gave them a smile and stood up, "You don't need my help anymore, you got this," I told them.

Paws smiled warmly, "Thanks Félix! Can we still check with you, or ask you if we have any trouble?"

"That's totally not part of my job or anything," I pushed the cart back to the back room, then went to the desk. I looked at all of the other students, suffering through the confusing worksheet.

Honestly, those sets of instructions that were supposed to "teach" them how to solve the problems were super confusing. If Mme Mendelieve gave the same set of instructions each year, it was no wonder the students came seeking refuge in the library.

I pressed my lips together. There were too many students right now for me to help individually. Maybe if I sat them all down in a classroom or something I could help them but, let's be real, I'm me. I didn't exactly have the friendliest reputation.

Mme Dubois had returned and she met up with me, "Is it just me or is it fuller?" she looked around.

"Definitely fuller," I confirmed, "I spoke with some of the students to help them, and I think what's messing them up isn't the unit itself, but rather how it's being taught. Is there anything we can do about that?" I asked.

Mme Dubois looked down pensively, "Well... Hmmm... You might be able to talk to Mme Mendelieve about it, or inform her on how confusing the instructions are. But the school day is almost over, why don't you try tomorrow?"

I nodded.

"Speaking of, I need to close the library early today. Could you inform all of the students?"

Just My LuckNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ