Chapter 24: Oh, Yes I Did. And So Did You.

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Third person POV:

S had left the room to use the restroom, or so she told them. Moon and Luna both happened to fall asleep while she was gone.

"This is perfect. They won't notice I'm gone if they're asleep," S whispers with a mischievous grin on her face.

She leaves the house, then turns to the reader.

"Come on," she says.


"Yes, you, the narrator."

Why is she bringing me into this? I'm just the narrator! She's not supposed to notice me.

"What do you want? Don't you think you're breaking the forth wall a little too often?"

"Face it, Otaku, you don't even have the money to afford a forth wall for me to break."

Did she just call me Otaku? She's scaring me...

"I need you to get the reader for me."

"What? What does Reader-Chan have to do with all this?"

"Just get her, okay?"

Fine, I'll do it. Reader-Chan. Will you please come here for a second? I need to get back to narrating.

You will? Thank you so much! I am so sorry for bringing you into this and leaving you in S's er... 'capable' hands.

Now I'm going to go back to being narrator, so, I wish you the best of luck! I'll be watching over you my child.

"Thanks for joining me!" S says excitedly.

"Umm... glad to be here... I guess..." you say.

"Come with me," S says, grabbing your wrist before you can protest.

The two of you ran, S not caring if you can keep up. Finally, a hop, skip, and a jump on a boat ride, and S stops, having taken you to the ruins at the middle of the lake of the Moone.

"Here we are," she says.

"Where is here?" You ask.

She swings her arm out slowly, gesturing to a machine at the middle, people sitting near it, and a large cage with people in it.

You slowly walk toward the machine, mesmerized by it.

"W-who are these people?" You ask.

"Well, there is Eclipse, then Jace's daughter, Jason, and we teleported Luna here," S points out each person on the left, then moves on to the right.

"Now, we have some special guests who will be helping us," S says, gesturing to the cage.

"All of these folks are from other anime. Those three over there, the blonde one, and the two red heads, are Tamaki and the Hitachiin brothers from Ouran High School Host Club." All of the guys she had pointed out looked confused and worried.

"And in that back corner of the cage, with the mini fridge, is Kyo from Fruits Basket. Finally, last but certainly not least, is L. Now, Luna," S turns to face the girl.

"Tell me again that Death Note is fictional."


"Oh! I almost forgot!" S said while pointing to one more person. "My father!"

N, like Eclipse and Luna, was chained to a spot in the ground.

"And one more person; my partner in crime, Alexandra!" A girl walks playfully to S and locks arms with her while giggling silly.

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