Chapter 17: Trouble

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Luna's POV:

I've been out traveling for a few weeks now, and my trip will be much faster than my mother's because I grew up on this island. Well, at least this island's trials will be fast. I've never left Melemele.

But it did go by fast, and I completed the Akala trials as well. Along the way I've caught Vulpix, Feebas and Clefkey, and Popplio has evolved into Brionne. I nicknamed Brionne Squirt. And of course I still have Yuki, though I'm not allowed to use her for my trials.

But now I'm on Ula'ula island, and I'm ready to continue! Solara has been traveling with me as my partner, and Dusk and Dawn travel together yet separate from us.

"So Luna, where do we go now?" Solara asks me.

"I'm not sure, but I think we should take a break!" I suggest. She agrees and we go to a nearby rout to relax and play.

For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. I feel a pair of eyes burning into my very existence. But I try to ignore it so I don't worry Solara.

After a while we get tired, and decide to stay the night here. We are a long way from the motel, and I have gotten used to sleeping outside.

We unroll our sleeping bags and return our Pokémon to their balls. We say goodnight and snuggle in to sleep.


I hear a twig crack that wakes me up. I look around but can't see anything; it's too dark.

"Hello?" I call. Silence. I sit up in the bag to get a better look at my surroundings. I'm still on the rout with Solara, who's fast asleep. I lay back down to try to go back to sleep.

I hear another stick crack followed by footsteps.  My eyes fly open in time to see a hand come toward my face, covering my mouth. The figure was hooded, I couldn't see their face.

The person picks me up and holds me still, but I struggle anyways. I try to scream but I can't. The hooded person takes out a rag from their pocket, and holds it to my face. I try not to breath, but it's no use. I soon lose consciousness in this strange person's arms.

When I wake up again, I'm still in the stranger's arms. I look around and see I'm in a run-down house that has graffiti on every wall, and a throne is in the center of the room.

The man in the throne also has a hoodie, hood pulled over his face. There is also someone in a similar outfit standing next to my captor. My captor. I've been kidnapped.

My heart starts beating really fast and I start to sweat. The person holding me, I'm assuming is a man because of the basic build of the arms holding me, sets me down so that I'm standing, but holds onto my arms so I can't get away.

"Where am I? Who are you people? What do you want? Where's Solara?" I ask worriedly.

"Don't worry, you're safe here. Nothing can hurt you as long as you say here, with me," the man on the throne stands up and removes his hood, and I gasp as I realize who it is.

"Eclipse..." I whisper, tearing up. The two that are holding me also remove their hoods, and I start to cry in confusion.

"Aries... Virgo... Eclipse... why? Where have you been? I've missed you all so much..." I say between sobs. Virgo was the one holding me. He let's go, and I run to Eclipse and hug him, crying into his shoulder.

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