Chapter 18: Arrested?

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Luna's POV:

Why did I get so worked up over that? It's not like I love him or anything, he's just a friend that I've only seen once. I'll live. No need to get bent out of shape about it, I just know I'll see him again, friend or not.

I am snapped out of my focused concentration by a loud person dressed in a team CA outfit, which consists of a black hoodie with ripped shorts and the team skull necklace.

"Oi! Give me your bloody Pokémon!" He yells. Virgo stands up, looking angry.

"What are you doing? I'm in Team CA too," he says.

"Well I'm not. I'm with the international police, and you're under arrest," the strange man says, pulling out a badge.

"Wait! You can't! What did Virgo do wrong?" I ask, trying to protect my big brother.

"He's with Team CA. They are wanted for a number of illegal things, so I infiltrated it to gather information," he replies.

"Is... is that true? Is your team evil?" I ask my brother, tears in my eyes. He nods slowly and sadly. I grab his hand and run, but the man quickly catches us, and arrests us. I hope Aries and Eclipse are okay...


They've taken Virgo into interrogation, and already talked to me. I told them I didn't know anything about their plan, which was the truth, and that I had no idea where Eclipse and Aries were, which wasn't entirely true.

I'm really worried about my brothers. If they really did do what the man said, then they could be in serious trouble. They could get life sentences or even be executed. I don't want to think about that.

They have me in a waiting room in some secret base, waiting for mom and dad to get here. They decided that I was of no use to them, and was not a threat. So they called my parents. Of course they're mad, but can't exactly believe what they were told.

Finally, the door opens and the frantic faces of my parents enter the room. I run to them and hug them and start crying again. I've been so uneasy this whole time.

"Where's Virgo?" Mom asks. I explain the whole ordeal of getting arrested, then dad goes over to the man who arrested us looking angry.

"Why did you arrest my son?!?" He hisses.

"Because he is with Team CA," he answers casually, unfazed by my father's intimidating glare.

"Who are you, anyway?"

"I am agent Sycamore. My friends call me Newt. My full name is Benjamin Newton Sycamore. My parents are Olivia and Jace Sycamore," he says. That seems to shock my parents.

Do they know this Jace Sycamore? Oh, that's right. He's the guy that's always hanging around Kahuna Olivia when she's in town, and with her comes to the different events we have here. Though there does seem to be some tension between mom and him. I wonder what happened.

"Um, sir? Can I call you Ben?" I ask shyly. He nods and returns his gaze to my father.

"Well that explains it," dad says with a smirk.

"Explains what?" Ben asks.

"You're just like your father. A self-centered piece of crap," he replies. I see the anger build in Ben's features.

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