Chapter 1: The Backstory

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"Ha, yes! Beat you again!" Moon called as she returned her Incineroar. Gladion had challenged her to try to take the title of champion.

"Ugh, not again," Gladion muttered to him self. This was the fourth time he had challenged Moon. He was trying to get stronger so he could go see Lillie, his sister, in Kanto.

"I've almost started to think maybe you're not trying," Moon teased.

"I'm doing my best, I just need to train harder." Gladion replied in an annoyed tone and started to leave, when Moon stopped him.

"Hey! Maybe I can help you train!" She suggested.

"I don't need your help." Gladion replied, without even turning around. He held his hand to his face as he often did, and left.

Moon sighed as she sat back down in the champion's chair. She really liked Gladion. She hoped he would notice, but she hadn't made any progress since... well... when she first took the title just one month ago. She was still wounded from his words.

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Gladion's cool pose~~

Moon had finally approached Mount Lakana, ready to face the Elite Four. But when she arrived at the elevator, Gladion stood waiting for her. He wanted one more battle to see if he could beat her before she challenged the Elite Four.

During their battle, Moon was slightly distracted by her thoughts. She thought about how she felt love at first sight when she had first met Gladion. How he was annoyed that he had beat Hau, but Hau wouldn't take it seriously. Hau had said to Moon, "Hey, Moon! This guy is plenny scary!" And Gladion had just glared, and said, "so you're Moon?" She knew she must have been blushing heavily, but found the courage to say yes.

Then the battle was over, and she had won yet again. But then Gladion said something that has stuck with Moon to this day.

"I know we're not friends, but at least now we're not enemies." When he said this, Moon felt something break in her heart. They had known each other for a while now, and she really really liked him. It greatly hurt her for him to say they weren't friends after what they had been through.

But then he said, "I know what kind of trainer you are now. And what kind of journey you've been through. Keep winning. Maybe we'll see each other again if you do." And he gave her the best smile he had ever give to anyone, a smile that melted her heart.

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