Chapter 5: Heartbreak

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When Moon awoke the next morning, she was confused and couldn't figure out how she had gotten home. She went to the living room to find her mom.

"Good morning, sweetie! Did you rest well?"

"Yeah, I guess." Moon replied. "how did I get home?"

"Why, that blonde boy brought you here. You had fallen asleep at the ruins, so he carried you home! How sweet!"

"He did?" Moon thought that he didn't care that much, and she didn't remember falling asleep.

Sun walked in saying, "Moon's got a boyfriend! Moon's got a boyfriend! Haha!"

"I do not!" Moon yelled as she chased her annoying brother.

Fed up with her brother, Moon left to find her friends. She found Gladion at the beach. The captains were busy with trials, and Hau was busy training.

But Gladion was free, so Moon walked over and sat by him in the sand.

"What's up?" She asked him, trying to spark a conversation.

"Nothing. Just bored." He replied. There goes her plans for a conversation. They sat in silence watching the waves, listening to the Pokémon at play in the sea.

Obviously a bad habit, Moon fell asleep sitting there with her head on her knees, and fell over into the sand, the rising tide gently lapping at her hair.

Gladion looked in her direction curiously. He hadn't known she was asleep so he was startled when he saw the sleeping heap, hair wet from the tide.

As he stared at her, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to ignore her, but was captivated by her beauty, gorgeous to rival a Milotic. He couldn't look away.

Only when she shifted in her sleep was Gladion able to break away his stare. The tide was rising to high, the water almost covering her face.

When Gladion realized that it was threatening to drown her, he dove to move her face before the next wave.
That woke her up.

"Huh? What happened?" Moon asked, confused by the boy laying in front of her blocking the waves, her head in his hands.

When Gladion realized what he had done, he scrambled to his feet.

"I... nothing. I'm leaving." He said with his hand to his face. Moon watched him go until he disappeared into the distance.

Had he just saved her? Why was he holding her head? These thoughts ran through her head as she got up to go home. Well, she was going to go home.

But when Moon left the beach, she noticed an angry but familiar voice. Where was it coming from?

She looked around to find the source. In an ally, Moon spotted a certain blonde boy clutching his shaking hand, muttering to himself.

"What's wrong with you, Gladion? Don't be that way! What were you thinking? Ugh!" Moon heard him say, along with many other similar words.

She gathered her courage and walked over to the boy. He didn't seem to notice her.

"H-hi..." Moon said quietly. The angry boy was startled by her. He had thought he was alone. After stumbling backwards, he glared at her.

"What do you want? Why can't you leave me alone?" Gladion practically spat the words.

"I... I heard your voice... I wanted to make sure you were okay... I didn't know... what's wrong? Why are you putting yourself down?"

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