Chapter 17: New Begining

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Gladion's POV:

It's been about two years since Moon and I got married. It's been so different from what I expected. Hau and Lillie ended up marrying at some point last year, and I attended while giving Hau death threats through my eyes. He kept his mouth shut mostly. When he had to kiss her, he glanced at me and I glared, so he made it a really short kiss. Good for Hau.

Moon, my wife, is sleeping peacefully on the couch with the TV on. She's been doing that lately.

I decide to go to bed. She's not coming, once she's out she's out.

I am abruptly awakened by shaking hands gripped on my shoulders. I look up to see Moon towering over me. The light hurts my eyes.

"Wake up wake up wake up wake up!!! I have a question to ask you!" She demands. I groggily sit up, pushing her off me.

"What is it, Moon?" I ask.

"I was just wondering, what would you think about having kids?" She asks.

I shoot out of the bed and try to think of an answer.

"I'm sorry, what?" I don't understand her question.

"Do you want kids? Would you be okay with that?" She's asking about kids.... I hate kids...

"Um, I don't think I'm quite ready for kids. I don't think I could handle it," I reply simply. She is quiet for a minute. I take advantage of this silence to go ahead and get dressed.

When I am dressed in my favorite hoodie, the same one I've had for years, though it still has growing room, Moon is waiting for me with a big smile on her face.

"What is it? You're smiling again..." I say warily.

"You'd better learn to like kids... and you'd better study up!" She replies loudly, she's probably nervous about something.

"What do you mean?" I sit on the bed beside her.

"Gladion, I'm saying I'm pregnant," she says as if I'm stupid for not figuring it out. I bolt from the bed.

"You're what?!?!" I'm yelling now. I'm not mad, just surprised. Why? Just why?

"Um, I'm pretty sure I said it as simply as I could. I am pregnant. With child. Going to have a baby. Understand?" She's looking me in the eye, and for the first time, I am intimidated by her.

"I understand," I sit back down and cradle my head. "I just can't believe it." She's gently rubbing my back. I look up and hug her tight.

Weather I want to or not, I'm going to be a father. And I can't be a terrible father just because I don't want a kid. I will be there for my family.

9 months later

I hold this child in my hand, my child, my son. Those months ago when I told Moon I didn't want kids, I regret saying that. I didn't know that I could fall in love with a baby so fast.

And I vow to be a better parent than my mother was. I will never abandon this child. I will always be there for him.

"Gladion, what should we name him?" Moon asks me. Why didn't we plan that? Well, maybe she didn't plan it, but I've always known what I would name my firstborn. I hold him in the air to block the sunlight.

"His name is Eclipse," I say. She smiles.

"And you said you didn't want kids...yet you knew exactly what to name him. I think you two will be very close," she says.

I hand him back to her. She cradled him and stares at him lovingly. He got my green eyes, but his hair is as white as snow.

Is it possible for me to love another child as much as this one? I hope this is the only one, but will I survive if there are more?

Is it possible for me to love another child as much as this one? I hope this is the only one, but will I survive if there are more?

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Well I have been proven to that I can in fact love another child the same. Only a year after Eclipse was born, Moon had identical twin boys, Aries and Virgo. They both had black hair and green eyes. Yet three years after those two, she gave birth to the most adorable little girl I've ever seen, our little Luna. She has hair as blonde as mine, and loves to wear it up in pigtails, and she has icy blue eyes that penetrate your soul.

Right now, Eclipse is 13, the twins are 12, and Luna is 9. The boys have grown to be quite fine. Very good looking. And Luna has grown in beauty. But unfortunately, Luna inherited Moon's Tourette's. It is hereditary, so we should have known at least one of the four would have it.

I hear yelling from the other room. I run to see whats wrong, and see Eclipse towering over his siblings. They look terrified, and he looks so angry.

"I don't care about that! Why won't you three listen to me?!? You guys never do what I ask you and are very rude!" Eclipse yells. The other three seem to shrink.

Moon has noticed too, and joins me at my spot in the door. I move into the room to stop the fighting. I should've known. They always fight with Eclipse. He has a bit of an anger problem on top of being a control freak.

"What happened this time?" I ask. Luna rushes over to us and hides behind Moon for safety, shaking and ticking like crazy.

"They did it again! Every time I try to tell them to do something, they either ignore me or say I'm not the boss! I hate it! I'm sick of it! I have had it with the 'You're not the boss!' Does it even matter? I just need to control things so you don't die! Don't you see I just want to protect you?" He's backing up now, tearing up.

"Just you wait..." he says quietly. "One day, I will be the boss!" He yells. Then I see my firstborn son, Eclipse, my son, run out the door, with a look of pure hatred on his face. I know that look. It's the very same look I had when I ran away from Aether. I try to run after him, but by the time I'm at the door, he's gone.

"M-mommy? Is Eclipse coming back? Where did he go?" Luna asks Moon.

"I don't know, honey. I don't know." She replies.

"Aries, Virgo, are you guys okay?" I ask the boys that are still in shock on the ground. They nod and I hug them, and Moon on picks up Luna to comfort her.

Have I failed my vow? No, it's now my fault. I swore to be the best father I could, yet he was provoked to run away by his own siblings.

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