Chapter 22: War

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Moon's POV:

Things have mostly calmed down. The kids filled me in as to what happened at the ruins. All of my children are in the house now, either living here or visiting, but that doesn't matter. It matters that we're all here. As a family.

And of course, what's the first thing the kids do? They go to Luna's room and raid the gun wall. Yes, she has a gun wall. An actual pegboard with pegs jutting out to hold the guns, covering an entire wall of her room. Over the years, our intended 'precious flower' has accumulated tons and tons of Nerf guns of all shapes and sizes. She even has buckets filled with bullets, each one with a specific type of bullet.

I know exactly what's happening when Eclipse, the leader of the pack, yells, "To the wall!"

This means war.

A Nerf war.

There is no system to these wars; no rhyme or reason; no winner. If you get hit, it's just more fun. There's no penalty, no 'out.' Just shooting each other randomly.

In earlier times, when there was less variety on the wall, the kids would playfully shoot each other and laugh. My poor husband would sit watching them, his trigger finger twitching. He always wanted in on it, but I wouldn't let him. Gladion would definitely overpower those poor children.

He's the one who actually taught them each to shoot. He spent hours giving them individual lessons of target practice. Who knew my edgelord was such a good shot? I wonder if he practiced on Lillie as a kid...

Eclipse, Aries, Virgo, and Luna each pick out a gun, then load a small pouch they are equipped with full of bullets specific to their gun.

After that, the chaos commences. Even more intense than it was when they were smaller, considering they're way older now.

I only have one rule during these wars: clean up afterwards. There's not much they can break around here, so I'm not worried about that. But as long as they pick up the bullets, this war can be waged for as long as their energetic hearts desire.

Ducking behind furniture, peeking out to fire, and falling to the ground, my children wage war.

A blue bullet flies my direction, and I step to the side to dodge. I don't want to be involved.

I go to the dining room, where I find a very unsettled Gladion sitting at the table, hands folded, an intense stare into space.

"What's wrong?" I ask, sitting down next to him. He glances my direction, just as Luna and Virgo run through rapid fire.

My husband gazes in their direction, then looks at me longingly and says, "C-can I.... please...?"

I think about it. The kids aren't to fragile anymore, and I love to see Gladion happy. If it could make him smile, that amazingly dreamy smile that always makes me jittery, then I'll let him do it. Anything to make him smile.

"Alright, fine. You can join," I say. Gladion jumps up from his spot at the table, eyes full of excitement.

He takes my hands in his, stares me in the eyes, and finally gives me that perfect smile. He gives me a quick kiss, then says, "Thank you so much!" His grin growing wider each passing second.

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