Chapter 16: Wedding Day

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Moon's (older) POV:

Everything is hectic. People are running around yelling and pampering and asking why I'm not in my dress yet. One lady that is helping takes me to a room where I am greeted by Lusamine, Lillie, and my mom.

"Oh, my! We have to hurry! We don't have much time," my mom says in a rush. They are all smiling like crazy.

Without complaint, I let them squeeze me into the large white dress. It has so much fabric, I almost get lost in it. When I'm safely in the dress, Lusamine plops me down in a chair and begins working on my makeup.

She has been in charge of most of the wedding, wanting everything to be perfect and beautiful. But I wouldn't let her pick a dress I don't want. That's where I drew the line. My wedding, my dress.

Before I'm ready she is standing me up and ushering me out of the room. We are at the door to the sanctuary I didn't know existed in Alola, preparing for me to walk the isle.

"You'll be wonderful. I know you will. And soon, you'll be my beautiful daughter in law," she says with a huge grin, tearing up even.

I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I don't know what to do. I mean, we had the rehearsal, so I know what to do, and I did say yes to his proposal, but I'm just so nervous.

"Oh, honey, you're so pale. Please, smile, and relax. You are a very beautiful young lady, and are very capable. Even if you do something wrong, you're only human. And I know he'll still love you, even if you slip up." This makes me smile.

What am I worried about? It's just my friends and family, and only the single most important person to ever enter my life.

With a deep breath, I tell her I'm ready, and the door opens. I step into the doorframe, and everyone seated in the crowd turns to see me with big smiles.

I gaze across the room to see my destination, and see Gladion, dressed in a white suit that makes him look like an Aether employee. He looks pretty uncomfortable, tugging on the collar, but Lusamine made him wear it.

Next to him is good old Kahuna Hala, ready to begin the ceremony. Gladion stops messing with his collar and smiles when he sees me. My heart melts and I don't think I can walk the isle. I love his smile so much.

Profess Kukui steps up beside me, wearing a shirt for the first time ever, to walk me down the isle. He's the closest thing I have to a father.

"You ready?" He asks, but he doesn't give me much of a choice because he takes a step forward into the room, taking me with him. I nod and follow, with my best smile on my face.

The walk to the front takes an eternity. Every step feels as if I'm walking in syrup. Before I know it we're at the front, and Kukui moves away from me, so I am standing in front of Gladion.

I almost don't hear Hala talk at all. I manage to say the vows but it all goes by in a blur. I can't focus because Gladion is still smiling at me, and I keep getting lost in his visible green eye.

He takes my hand and slips on a ring, and I do the same. Hala says something that's sound like "kiss the bride" but I can't tell. After the kiss I hear clapping, and squealing from a certain group of mothers and a sister.

I still don't know what's happening, but I'm being taken away by that group of fangirls. They take me to the same room they got me dressed in, and are telling me that I did a great job and that I am so lucky. Yeah, I'm lucky. Not every girl marries the guy of their dreams.

They keep talking about the reception and the future and all, but right now I just want to see Gladion, as my husband. I bet he's getting the same lecture from the boys. I can just imagine Hau and Guzma fanboying over him. Or maybe guys are different.

"Girls," I interrupt. "That's cool and all, but I just want to see him. I just want to be with him in the moment, and not get ahead of myself preparing for the future, when I just got to today. Can't I just enjoy this feeling while it lasts? It's no every day you get married." They stare at me in confusion.

"You'll see him at the reception. For now you're with us!" Lillie beams. I reluctantly give up, letting them do and say what they want, until it's time to go.

And I'm being whisked away once again by these girls. I just hope I can make it through the night with them, without blowing up.

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