Chapter 14: Well Crap.

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Moon's POV:

I was wrong... I was very, very wrong. And I may need help I don't have to fix this. We have dug a hole to deep to emerge from. We may need help from another world.


I open my eyes to see I'm in a small cage, more heavily locked than the last one. I scan the area to see just where the heck I am, seeing a few different people standing watch. A few of them have the familiar R on them, while others have a P.

The grunts with the P have a mostly grey outfits, with tight-fitting masks over their faces similar to he team skull ones, but much more uniform, and these people were older.

"Hey," I call out, to no one in particular. One of the P grunts with pinkish-orange hair comes over to me and bends down to see me past the low roof of the cage.

"What do you want, kid?" He asks in a mean voice. I decide they won't answer too many questions, so I think before I ask. I don't want to call them P grunts, so I'll ask about their team.

"What team are you guys with the P? I am aware that those people are members of team rocket," I say gesturing to a grunt with an R. "But what are you?"

"Team plasma." He says plainly. "Any other questions?"

"Yes, actually," I start. "Where am I? What do you want with me? Why do I keep getting kidnapped?"

"You're in team rocket's secret base, and I have orders not to tell you the boss's plans." He replies. Well at least this villain is smart.

"Hmph." A wave of sadness washes over me as I miss Gladion. It's only been less than 24 hours, I think, but I'm scared. I look down at my ring to make sure it's still there. To my relief, it is.

"Well, look who's awake," says a feminine voice. A grunt that looks strikingly similar to the one talking to me comes into my view, the only difference being their gender and her hairstyle, which framed her face.

The male grunt straightens up and she kneels down to be eye level with me.

"Boss needs her. I've received orders stating to take her to the boss as soon as she wakes. So, we take her now." She says. My cage is small; I barely fit. There must be two handles on top because they stand on either side of the cage and I rise, being lifted by the two grunts.

We enter a larger room with a throne-like chair in the middle, with a red-haired person I don't recognize seated in it, and a familiar short-haired blonde girl.

They plop the cage down in front of the throne, and the red-haired individual looks down on me.

"Meet our boss," the female grunt says.

"But... isn't Domino the boss?" I ask quietly. The blonde shakes her head.

"No, no. I'm still firmly second in command. Silver here is the boss." She says, gesturing to the male in the throne.

"Well, no matter who's boss, this cage is cramped! Can I stand up? I promise I won't run away," I make puppy eyes.

"Fine," Silver says. "But hold on to her." The grunts open the cage and hand cuff me, then the female grunt held on to the chain.

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