Chapter 7: Valentine's Day

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Moon's POV:

It's Valentine's Day! Finally! This means chocolate, and hearts, and love, and chocolate!

I want to go over to Hau's house to see how he's doing. I wonder if he has a special someone? Gotta look out for my bro. If he doesn't, I'll fix that. I know just the person...

Anyway, on my way over, I spot several people rushing to go somewhere, anywhere, with their significant other.

I even see Gladion, although he isn't exactly 'rushing' anywhere, walking Silvally. That's a good idea, actually. So i bring Sylveon out of her ball.

"Hey, Sylv! Guess what? It's Valentine's Day! It's your day!" My pink Pokémon whistles in excitement. She loves love.

She wraps one of her ribbons around my wrist as we walk. And because I'm not paying any attention, that just so happens to be right into Gladion, making us both fall over. Boy am I glad we made up last week... this could've been a lot worse.

"I-I'm so sorry! I should've been watching where I was going! Are you okay?" I ask him worriedly.

"I'm fine, but I can't breath!" He replies. I hadn't realized I was on top of him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I frantically scramble to my feet, embarrassed. Sylveon is gazing at me curiously. Silvally walks over to help its trainer stand. "I was just heading over to Hau's place, you know, to check up on him."

"I understand. Not having anyone for this wretched day. I think it's stupid. A whole day of people being mushy and making chocolate." Dear Arceus he doesn't like chocolate! I gasp overly dramatic.

"You don't like chocolate?!? How exactly are we friends?"

"I do like it, I just think it's exaggerated a bit on this day." A though pops into my head.

"You should come over to my house! I want to make some chocolate. Just a little, and I can make some really sweet chocolate! What do you say?"

"No." Was his response.

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun! Just a little bit of chocolate, not a lot."

"No." He says, beginning to walk away.

"Okay, so no chocolate. But at least come with me to Hau's?" He stops walking to contemplate this.

"Fine." He says after standing there for a few silent minutes.

"Yay!" I squeal. We walk over to Hau's house, Gladion attempting to keep me at a distance and me trying to get closer.

When we arrive at Hau's house, I run up to the window and peek through. There in the living room, sprawled on the floor, is a sleeping Hau, with a movie turned on and a tipped over popcorn bowl with popcorn around his face. Guess he's alone today.

I knock on the door, waking him up. When he answers, I say, "Hi, Hau! How's your day been?" He looks back at the mess on his floor with almost embarrassment.

"Well, my day's been kinda boring. I was rewatching this movie for the hundredth time, and some how that happened." He says, gesturing to the mess.

"Mind if we come in?" I ask.

"We?" He asks trailing off, looking behind me. When he sees the disinterested Gladion behind me he smiles.

"Of course! Come in, guys!" We all go into his living room, and I offer to help clean the mess. Also, noticing he has no girlfriend on this day, I have a plan.

I take out my phone and text Lillie to come over. It's obvious that he likes her, I can really tell.

A few minutes later, and Lillie's at the door, and I rush to open it.

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