Chapter 10: Oh Boi.

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Guys, this is the colab chapter! Yay! If you're wondering, the picture at the head is Jace. And I was wrong, he will be returning every once and a while for another colab. Enough of my talking, back to the story...

Moon's POV:

I have no idea where my ecstatic fanboying Pokémon is going, nor what I will say when we get there. But Gladion's definitely on Akala.

I notice everyone in Heahea city is whispering, refusing to make eye contact with me. They appear to be whispering, even snickering and giggling. What's up with these people today? Have I missed something? People are staring at me. Maybe it's because Absol's acting weird.

Absol runs to an area I'm not familiar with, on the outskirts of Heahea city. But not too far out, you could see it from the road if you looked.

Finally, I see Gladion, leaning against a tree. He appears to be half asleep. He is jolted awake when my overly energetic Pokémon pounces on him, knocking him to the ground. Great.

"Hey, Absol, what's going on?" Gladion asks my disaster pokemon. Absol is licking his face non-stop, until Gladion pushes it away so he can stand up.

When he sees me, he asks, "whats the deal with Absol? It's particularly friendly today." How do you say, 'Oh, I told it that I have a huge crush on you, so now it wants us to be together. what do you say?' You can't.

"Um... he's just happy." Gladion doesn't look convinced. "He just wanted to come find you-" I'm cut off by Absol forcibly pushing me towards the boy.

"Well... anyway, I'm glad you came. I have something I need to talk to you about." Please don't know about my crush... I chant in my head.

"W-what would that be?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"Back at Aether, there were three Type: Null created. I ran away with one, I couldn't bare to see it suffer as an experiment." Awe! he has a heart! "Now that I'm the president, I can do what I want with them. I still don't want to see them suffer, even though I stopped the experiments on them."

"Oh," Is all I can say.

"However, now they just stay in the lab bored all day. So," He pulls out a pokeball. "I want you to have one. I think I can trust you to show it the world." He hands me the pokeball and I release the pokemon inside, which is none other than Type: Null.

"Y-you want... me to take it?" The artificial Pokémon stares at me with excited eyes.

"Yes. I want you to be it's trainer. Do you accept?" I smile, maybe even a small blush forming.

"Yes. I'll be its trainer." I reach out to Type: Null to greet it. It pushes forward to rest its head against my hand. It looks so happy!

"You'll need a name, though. Type: Null is pretty long." This seems to catch Gladion by surprise. I don't think he was expecting me to name it. But he quickly recovers.

"Um, what did you have in mind?" he asks, probably uncomfortable because Absol is slowly nudging me closer to the blonde boy.

"Hmm... how about Nully?" The Type: Null lets out a strange noise that sounds happy.

"Nully it is then..." Gladion says, trying not to sound awkward, though hesitant at the word 'Nully'. I return Nully to its pokeball.

I look at Absol during this moment of awkward silence, me and Gladion sitting on a few giant rocks. Go on! Tell him! Ship ship ship ship... it watches me with anticipation as if Arceus would come visit if I dated Gladion.

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