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~Dinner together~


I was heading my way over to my neighbors house it was 6:30. I glanced behind me to see if they were finally coming. "Uhhh" i grumble to myself seeing there not behind me. Well it looks as if I'm alone on this one. I walked along the short sidewalk to the house. I then made my way to the porch and gently knocked on the door. A tall figure approaches the door and opens it. "Hi you must be......" I suddenly noticed that Shawn didn't even know my name I just had to go ahead and help him out. "Hi I'm Everly" "I'm so sorry i can't remember your name." He then said guiding me into the house. "It's beautiful Shawn" I say looking back at him closing the door. "You know my name" he then said looking every confused. He started to walk over to where I was standing. "Yeah" I say looking at him now looking at me. Ms.Karen then walks in. "Hello Everly I see you have already met Shawn, I'm sorry Aaliyah won't be joining is tonight she is spending the night at one of her friends house tonight. Make yourself at home." She hugged me lightly and walked back to the kitchen. "So ya wanna look around I can show you" Shawn said. "Sure thanks" I say following him up the beautiful stairs as I suddenly see Shawn trip as my actions kicked in, I grabbed him by his waist and tried to pull him up before he could fall any farther. I had grabbed him slightly before he caught his own self from falling. "Oh my gosh I'm so clumsy!" He said embarrassed as his face became red. "Thank you Everly for trying to catch me I'm so sorry I'm clumsy." He said turning around to see me confused as I stared at him. Gosh why does he have to look so damn good and gosh a clumsy guy he is. I thought to myself. "This is a beautiful house Shawn!" I say with excitement I mean the paintings that were in the home were speechless as we started to walk up the stairs once more. "Thank you Everly" He said as we looked through an office and Aaliyah's room and an extra room as well as Shawn's room. "This is my room make yourself at home" he said walking in and closing the door behind him. I suddenly look out the window noticing that my  window faces his. "Shawn your voice is perfection" I said out of know where. "Your the one who sings with the window open every night, you're the one I listen to every night to get to go to sleep!" I said Shawn's eyes grow larger in size. And they make contact with mine as he walked over to look out of the window himself. "You're the one who I hear every night singing to my songs!" He said as he simply smiled at me. "You're voice is beautiful Everly, you should come over sometime so we can sing together." He said as we heard the front door open once more. I heard my parents walk in the door as they soon started to talk to Shawn's. "Well I guess it's dinner time" Shawn said as he started to walk out of his room as I soon followed behind him. He then met me at the dinner table he then pulled out the chair sitting beside him. "May I" he then asks as I sit down and thank him. So polite and such a gentleman I think I'm going to die. We sat at the table as everyone came in we said grace then began eating. Ms. Karen had fixed green bean casserole, a ham, crescent rolls, and some red stuff in a bowl that had peas and cracked pepper in it and vegetables and some other stuff. "Shawn what's that stuff in the bowl over there that's red?" I said whispering in his ear. His eyes became wider than I had ever seen them before and he had a cold hard stare at me looking me straight to my eyes. "Never ever, even if she says try it now do not eat that or I will never speak to you again." He said very clearly to me, I still wanted to know what it was. I looked closer without my parents as well as Shawn's parents thinking that I was crazy. I then finally figured out "you hate tomatoes don't you, I hate them too your not the only one I promise" I said whispering to him again "Thank the lord I finally found someone who hates tomatoes like I hate tomatoes!" He said, I laughed at him at least we had something in common and we both love to sing.

~Next chapter is what happens after the dinner~

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His Smile And His Voice And Of course His Jeep.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon