
11 3 1

~It's beautiful~


I have no clue what this crazy boy is up to honestly. "Ahhhhh, Shawn" I yell as I hit the window a little bit. "Are you ok love" he ask as I felt his arm on my shoulder. "Why did you slam on breaks" I say as I turned to him even though I can't see anything since I'm blindfolded. "There was a deer that crossed the road" he said as he kept driving till he came to a final stop. "Hold on a minute don't move" he said as his arm moved away from my shoulder as he got out of the car and opened my door for me. "Here take my hand" he says as he puts his hand in mine helping me out of my car. He then held my hand and moved me over so he could shut the car door. "Ok don't move my love" he said as his hand left mine as I heard my back luggage compartment on my car open. In just a few minutes he then took my hand again and guided me to the back of the car. "You can sit down now my love"
he says as he sits on the car ledge as I do as well. "What now Shawn" I ask with giving him a smile. "Hold on one second" he says as he moved something in the back of the car. "Let me take the blindfold off" he says getting up and untying the blindfold from around my head."don't open your eyes just yet"
He says as he takes the blindfold off and sits In front of me once again.
"Ok now you can open your eyes" he says as my hands leave my face. "Oh my god"
I say looking around. There was a two roses in a vase and strawberry cheesecake and the wine that Nash had given us earlier. The view was outstanding, Toronto is so beautiful.
"I love you Everly" He said as he took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I love you so much Shawn"
I say as I definitely knew I was blushing this time. "You're so cute when you blush" he says with a small bit of laughter and a huge grin on his face. He then got up and took my hand as we walked out to the hillside looking out at the beautiful Toronto lights.
"It's so beautiful" I say as I put my arms around his waist. "Not as beautiful as you love" he says moving away as I was confused. Then all of a sudden he's down on one knee. He then looks at me with a big smile on his face as he pulled out a small black little box. He then opens it and says

"I will always love you forever and always I promise. I know I can't marry you yet but if I could I would. But for now I promise to always be there for you in the good and the bad. I know we literally just met six days ago but,
I absolutely love you. Even more than muffins and green tea.
I love you, Everly

I now was in tears not bad tears but happy tears. He got up and put the ring on my finger and putting the box in his back pocket as I felt a warm tear hit my neck. "Shawn your not supposed to be crying" I say laughing at him as he picks me up in his arms and kisses me. "I love you so much Shawn" I say as
he looks at me and says "I promise to be here for you forever and always" 
"I promise to be here for you forever and always" I say to him also as he lets me down and we walk back to my car. "Thank you so much for tonight" I say as he took two wine glasses from the backseat and handing one to me.
"If I didn't have you there would be no tonight" he says with a smile and a wink. "Here you go my love don't drink but one glass full because we have a long night ahead unless you don't like parties" He says pouring me some whine in my glass as he gives me a wink. "Oh no I don't do parties at all Mendes" I say sarcastically as I give him a wink back. "Just guess who invited us" he asks me smiling and looking back at me after eating a piece of cheesecake. "Who do you know that I don't know" I say laughing. "Charlie Puth" he says and my eyes go wide. I've meet Charlie before because of my dad and his work we literally talked during the Billboard awards two years ago I wonder if he still remember me. "I know Charlie" I say with a smile on my face. "How I bet you just know him for his music" he says confused as he raises his eyebrows. "Nope I went to the Billboard awards show two years ago, we sat at the table and talked for a good bit" I say and Shawn just looks at me confused. "Me and you honestly could have already met by now" He says laughing at his reply. "My dad should get you a recording label with them" I say in excitement. "There's no way that they would accept my music" He says with his head down. "Shawn you just don't understand how beautiful you are when you sing and the passion you put into your music when you sing do you" I say taking my hand and pulling his head back up. "I don't know" he says looking at me with his soft hazel eyes.

Things went silent for about a minute then we talked a bit and I laid my head down on his shoulder as we looked at the beautiful Toronto landscape. And then Shawn looks at the time. "12:00." He says "We're going to be late Everly" he says again as he gets up and helps me get out of the back of the car. "How longs the drive Shawn" I ask as I help him gather everything up. "We're supposed to be there at 12:30 and it takes 20 minutes to get there so" he says as he shuts the luggage compartment on my car as we then rushed to our doors opening them and shutting them and buckle our seats. "So who's all invited" I ask as Shawn begins to pull out from where we were. "Umm I'm not exactly sure, I know it's not like one hundred people" he says with a small chuckle. "Where is the party, sorry for all the questions" I then say. "It's at Charlie's private Yacht, I promise this thing is going to be huge" he says with a bit of excitement. "Three more questions, did you tell my parents and will we be drinking, and if we are we spending the night there right" I say smiling at him. "Yes I told your parents, you can drink if you want to I'm not planning on drinking a hole lot, and yes we are spending the night here, Charlie told me that me and you get the extra bedroom downstairs." He says as we continued to drive along the road leading us to the harbor.

~Ok guys I hope you liked it. I will be uploading another new chapter later.
I don't like leaving you all in this suspense lol,~

~Figure out how the party goes and who's Charlie's girlfriend and does Everly and Shawn get drunk or not~

Thanks for all the support once again please comment what you think
Love, @Esdalton

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